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Minzyanova, D.F. (2023). Compliance with the Secrecy Regime During Online Training in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs' Educational Organizations . Modern Education, 3, 1–7DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.38301
Strategic priorities for developing modern Russian society and ensuring law and order require establishing an effective continuous educational process in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities. The author examines the issue of compliance with the secrecy regime in the online education of students in universities of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. The study's relevance is due to the scale of the spread of COVID-19 infection and the development of information and communication technologies. Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities have special disciplines that require secrecy during online learning. These disciplines include operational investigative activities, operational investigative psychology, record keeping and secrecy regime, and others. The study's object is the online educational process in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities. The subject of the study is the methods of transmitting and exchanging information in educational organizations of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs within the framework of online distance learning. In the course of the study, the goal was achieved to substantiate the necessary and sufficient measures for the optimal implementation of educational programs of higher education, vocational training, and advanced training of police officers in the conditions of expanding the information space, communication capabilities, and limitations generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author compared the relationship between "distance learning" and "online learning." The conclusion is made about the need to expand the ISOD of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs capabilities and develop a single departmental digital educational portal for Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs universities within this information space. The author suggests improving the information potential of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs system for the possibility of teaching particular disciplines in the online education process.
Ключевые слова:
ISOD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, special disciplines, secrecy mode, electronic information environment, educational environment, video lectures, online training, distance education, educational organizations, teaching
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Chik, S. (2023). Pedagogical Conditions to Correct the Consequences of Child Abuse. Modern Education, 3, 8–15DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37651
The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the correction of communication disorders in children who have been subjected to abuse in the family. The study was based on the assumption that anxiety and hostility are psychologically dominant in such children. Timely work with the child emotionally and correction of the sphere of communication can correct negative influences. The author examines in detail the implementation of pedagogical conditions: conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process, involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults, and having children participate in field events to develop positive emotions. The study's novelty is that the pedagogical conditions for correcting communication disorders have been experimentally tested. The author comes to the following conclusions: 1. Conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process helps them express their feelings, activate communication between a child and an adult, form various means of communication, and develop dialogic speech. 2. Involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults allows an adult to manifest themself as an assistant and defender with whom a child can communicate without fear, jointly achieving their goals. 3. The participation of children in field events aimed at the development of positive emotions increases the social context of communication of the child and expands the circle of adults with whom the pupil would interact.
Ключевые слова:
child abuse, pedagogical correction, pedagogical conditions, communication disorders, anxiety, hostility, social institution, special classes, recreational activities, field trips.
Modern strategies and forms of education
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Glushchenko, V.V. (2023). A Conceptual Approach to Solving the Problem of Sustainable University Development in the Period of a New Technological Order. Modern Education, 3, 16–26DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.39443
The subject of this article is ensuring the sustainable development of universities in the period of a new technological order; the object of the article is the university; the purpose of the work is to ensure the sustainable development of universities in the process of forming a new technological order. To achieve this goal, the following tasks of this study are solved: research and clarification of the concept of sustainable development of the university; study of sources of risk of loss of stability in the process of transition of the university to a new technological order; analysis of the structural components of the concept of sustainable development of universities. Scientific methods used in this article are the theory of sustainable development, historical and logical analysis, theory of higher education, theory of technological structures, theory of hierarchical systems, system analysis, forecasting theory, theory of lean manufacturing, and expert methods. The scientific novelty of this article is determined by the formation of the concept of sustainable development university in the period of a new technological order.
Ключевые слова:
result, effectiveness, management, factor, the tool, higher education system, technological order, sustainable development, university, concept
Modern strategies and forms of education
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Litvin, D.V., Mangasarova, L.A. (2023). Subject-Generated Environments as the Basis for the Formation of a Personal-Developing Digital Educational Environment. Modern Education, 3, 27–36DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.36837
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This article discusses the features of forming a personality-developing educational environment in the context of global digitalization. The concept of the digital educational environment is revealed in the context of its personality-developing nature, the basic scheme of the functioning of the subject-generated environments in the digital educational environment is substantiated, the factors determining the personality-developing potential of the digital educational environment are highlighted, as well as the features of the teacher's activity on the formation of the developing the environment by digital means in the refraction of traditions and innovations. The traditional understanding of the educational environment is undergoing a significant transformation due to digitalization. The study showed that the formation of a developing digital educational environment should be carried out with a mandatory emphasis on the subject-generated characteristics of the environment, resolving the contradiction between the diversity and openness of potentially developing resources, on the one hand, and the uncertainty, non-obviousness of the results of interaction of subjects, on the other hand. For the teacher, the digital educational environment acts as a discrete education, whereas for the student, it is a single structured digital space (a single environment). A teacher's activity is the formation of a developing environment by digital means, giving it developing functions associated with pedagogical competence to fill the environment with appropriate situational and event content, contributing to the generation of environments in education by students themselves and filling them with authentic meaning. The teacher's specified competencies depend on the completeness of the theoretical understanding of the peculiarities of the emergence of subject-generated environments in the digital educational environment. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the fact that, for the first time, a personality-developing digital educational environment is considered through the concept of subject-generated environments, which brings the student's personality to the center of relevant educational projects. The development of the student's personality in the DEE is a multifactorial and open subject-dependent process with variability of resources for self-change, the research attitude corresponding to the post-non-classical stage of the development of science.
Ключевые слова:
pedagogical competencies, subject-subject interaction, subject-containing systems, system approach, student-centered education, digitalization, personality development, educational environment, situational-event content, pedagogical design
Individual approach in education
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Pristavko, K.V. (2023). Teaching a Foreign Language in Terms of Inclusion. Modern Education, 3, 37–47DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37316
This article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the problem of teaching a foreign language to people with disabilities in an inclusive education environment. The article also presents the author's view on overcoming the main difficulties associated with teaching a foreign language to people with disabilities. The authors considered the main legislative acts regulating inclusive education and the main periods of inclusion development in European countries. The authors also considered the main differences between the two learning systems: inclusion and integration, the most relevant problems of learning LOVZ in the conditions of inclusion, and solutions to these problems proposed by other authors of scientific research. Based on the conducted research, the authors made the following conclusions: inclusive education is one of the strongest of the modern education trends due to the change of views on disability and human rights in general; the goal of inclusive education is the comprehensive development of someone with disabilities, their socialization and realization of their potential in society, as well as providing opportunities for academic and professional mobility for LOVZ. The author's contribution to this article is to summarize the results obtained by other researchers. The authors have deduced concrete steps to solve the existing difficulties and proposed their own solutions to the existing difficulties.
Ключевые слова:
life-long learning, human rights, education for all, approaches to teaching, globalization, integration, disabilities, inclusive education, acess to education, student-centered education