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Малевич Т.В., Фолиева Т.А. «Естественность» религии и «естественная религия» в когнитивном религиоведении

Аннотация: Предметом настоящей статьи выступает выдвигаемый в когнитивном религиоведении тезис о «естественности» религии, основное содержание которого сводится к тому, что религия является результирующей функцией ординарных когнитивных процессов и существует на двух параллельных уровнях концептуализации религиозных понятий. Первый уровень представлен сложными и абстрактными понятиями, соответствующими доктринальным формулам конкретных религиозных традиций, тогда как второй состоит из более простых и «некорректных» с доктринальной точки зрения понятий, выражающих естественные тенденции нашего мышления и образующих в конечном счете «естественную религию». Проводя анализ становления и развития концепта «естественной религиозности» в когнитивном религиоведении, авторы определяют его методологический и эвристический потенциал, а также устанавливают значение термина «естественная религия» в рамках когнитивной парадигмы. Введение концепта «естественной» религиозности открывает возможность экспериментальных исследований процессов формирования и трансформации религиозных понятий и позволяет рассматривать вопрос о соотношении религиозного и атеистического мировоззрения на новом уровне. Не менее перспективным представляется и оперирование понятием «естественная религия»: оно выступает в качестве важного эвристического инструмента в компаративных исследованиях, описывая феномен «народной» религии и объясняя отклонения от официального учения той или иной религиозной традиции.

Ключевые слова:

когнитивное религиоведение, естественная религия, религиозность, интуитивная онтология, генезис религиозных понятий, контринтуитивность, теологическая некорректность, сверхъестественные понятия, антропоморфизм, агентность

Abstract: The subject of the present article is the thesis on ‘naturality’ of religion offered by cognitive religious studies. The main idea is that religion is a resulting function of ordinary cognitive processes and therefore exists at the two parallel levels of conceptualization of religious concepts. The first level is presented by complex and abstract notions relevant to doctrinal formulas of particular religious traditions while the second level consists of simple and ‘incorrect’ (from the doctrinal point of view) notions expressing natural tendencies of our thinking and constituting ‘natural religion’. Analyzing the formation and development of the concept of ‘natural religiosity’ in cognitive religious studies, the authors define the methodological and heuristic potential of the concept and offer a definition of ‘natural religion’ from the point of view of cognitive paradigm. Introduction of the concept of ‘natural religiosity’ reveals new opportunities for experimental researches of the processes of formation and transformation of religious notions and allows to deal with the question about the relation between religious and atheistic world views at a new level. The idea of ‘natural religion’ also seems to be quite useful. It is used as an important heuristic instrument in comparative researches describing the phenomenon of ‘people’s’ religion and explaining digressions from the official teaching of this or that religious tradition.


cognitive religious studies, natural religion, religiosity, intuitive ontology, genesis of religious concepts, counter intuitivity, theological inaccuracy, super-natural concepts, anthropomorphism, agent.

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13. Barrett J. L. Cognitive Science, Religion, and Theology: From Human Minds to Divine Minds. West Conshohocken: Templeton Press, 2011.
14. Barrett J. L. Exploring the Natural Foundations of Religion // Trends in Cognitive Science. 2000. Vol. 4/1. P. 29-34.
15. Barrett J. L. The Naturalness of Religious Concepts: An Emerging Cognitive Science of Religion // New Approaches to the Study of Religion / Ed. by P. Antes et al. Vol. 2. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2004. P. 401-418.
16. Barrett J. L. Theological Correctness: Cognitive Constraint and the Study of Religion // Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. 1999. Vol. 11. P. 325-339.
17. Barrett J. L. Why Santa Claus is Not a God // Journal of Cognition and Culture. 2008. Vol. 8. P. 149-161.
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20. Barrett J. L., Johnson A. H. The Role of Control in Attributing Intentional Agency to Inanimate Objects // Journal of Cognition and Culture 2003. Vol. 3/3. P. 208-217.
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22. Boyer P. Evolution of the Modern Mind and the Origins of Culture: Religious Concepts as a Limiting-Case // Evolution and the Human Mind: Modularity, Language and Meta-Cognition / Ed. by P. Carruthers, A. Chamberlain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. P. 93-112.
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24. Boyer P. Religious Ontologies and the Bounds of Sense: A Cognitive Catalogue of the Supernatural [Электронный ресурс] // URL: http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/courses01/rrtw/Boyer.htm (дата обращения: 14.07.14)
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27. Boyer P., Ramble C. Cognitive Templates for Religious Concepts: Cross-Cultural Evidence for Recall of Counter-Intuitive Representations // Cognitive Science. 2001. Vol. 25. P. 535-564.
28. Byrne P. Natural Religion and the Nature of Religion: The Legacy of Deism. London: Routledge, 2013.
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38. Lawson E. T. Psychological Perspectives on Agency // Religion in Mind: Cognitive Perspectives on Religious Belief, Ritual, and Experience / Ed. by J. Andresen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. P. 141-172.
39. McCauley R. N. Why Religion is Natural and Science is Not. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
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41. Richert R. A., Barrett J. L. Do You See What I See? Young Children’s Assumptions about God’s Perceptual Abilities // The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 2005. Vol. 15/4. P. 283-295.
42. Slone D. J. Theological Incorrectness: Why Religious People Believe What They Shouldn’t. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
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44. Spilka B. et al. A General Attribution Theory for the Psychology of Religion // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1985. Vol. 24. P. 1-20
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11. Barrett J. L. Cognitive Constraints on Hindu Concepts of the Divine // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 1998. Vol. 37/4. P. 608-619.
12. Barrett J. L. Cognitive Science of Religion: Looking Back, Looking Forward // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2011. Vol. 50/2. P. 229-239.
13. Barrett J. L. Cognitive Science, Religion, and Theology: From Human Minds to Divine Minds. West Conshohocken: Templeton Press, 2011.
14. Barrett J. L. Exploring the Natural Foundations of Religion // Trends in Cognitive Science. 2000. Vol. 4/1. P. 29-34.
15. Barrett J. L. The Naturalness of Religious Concepts: An Emerging Cognitive Science of Religion // New Approaches to the Study of Religion / Ed. by P. Antes et al. Vol. 2. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2004. P. 401-418.
16. Barrett J. L. Theological Correctness: Cognitive Constraint and the Study of Religion // Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. 1999. Vol. 11. P. 325-339.
17. Barrett J. L. Why Santa Claus is Not a God // Journal of Cognition and Culture. 2008. Vol. 8. P. 149-161.
18. Barrett J. L. Why Would Anyone Believe in God? Lanham: Alta Mira Press, 2004.
19. Barrett J. L., Keil F. Conceptualizing a Nonnatural Entity: Anthropomorphism in God Concepts // Cognitive Psychology. 1996. Vol. 31. P. 219-247.
20. Barrett J. L., Johnson A. H. The Role of Control in Attributing Intentional Agency to Inanimate Objects // Journal of Cognition and Culture 2003. Vol. 3/3. P. 208-217.
21. Boyer P. Cognitive Constraints on Cultural Representations: Natural Ontologies and Religious Ideas // Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Culture / Ed. by L. A. Hirschfeld, S. A. Gelman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. P. 391-411.
22. Boyer P. Evolution of the Modern Mind and the Origins of Culture: Religious Concepts as a Limiting-Case // Evolution and the Human Mind: Modularity, Language and Meta-Cognition / Ed. by P. Carruthers, A. Chamberlain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. P. 93-112.
23. Boyer P. The Naturalness of Religious Ideas: A Cognitive Theory of Religion. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.
24. Boyer P. Religious Ontologies and the Bounds of Sense: A Cognitive Catalogue of the Supernatural [Elektronnyy resurs] // URL: http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/courses01/rrtw/Boyer.htm (data obrashcheniya: 14.07.14)
25. Boyer P. Religious Thought and Behaviour as By-products of Brain Function // Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 2003. Vol. 7/3. P. 119-124.
26. Boyer P. What Makes Anthropomorphism Natural: Intuitive Ontology and Cultural Representations // The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1996. Vol. 2/1. P. 83-97.
27. Boyer P., Ramble C. Cognitive Templates for Religious Concepts: Cross-Cultural Evidence for Recall of Counter-Intuitive Representations // Cognitive Science. 2001. Vol. 25. P. 535-564.
28. Byrne P. Natural Religion and the Nature of Religion: The Legacy of Deism. London: Routledge, 2013.
29. Cohen E., Barrett J. L. Conceptualizing Spirit Possession: Ethnographic and Experimental Evidence // Ethos. 2008. Vol. 26/2. P. 246-267.
30. d’Aquili E. G., Newberg A. B., The Mystical Mind: Probing the Biology of Religious Experience. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1999.
31. Gervais W. M., Henrich J. The Zeus Problem: Why Representational Content Biases Cannot Explain Faith in Gods // Journal of Cognition and Culture. 2010. Vol. 10. P. 383-389.
32. Guthrie S. E. Animal Animism: Evolutionary Roots of Religious Cognition // Current Approaches in the Cognitive Science of Religion / Ed. by I. Pyysiäinen, V. Anttonen. London: Continuum, 2002. P. 38-67.
33. Guthrie S. E. Why Gods? A Cognitive Theory // Religion in Mind: Cognitive Perspectives on Religious Belief, Ritual, and Experience / Ed. by J. Andresen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. P. 94-101.
34. Hirschfeld L. A., Gelman S. A. Toward a Topography of Mind: An Introduction to Domain Specificity // Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Culture / Ed. by L. A. Hirschfeld, S. A. Gelman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. P. 3-35.
35. Keil F. C. Constraints on Knowledge and Cognitive Development // Psychological Review. 1981. Vol. 88/3. P. 197-227.
36. Keil F. C. Semantic and Conceptual Development: An Ontological Perspective. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979.
37. Kelemen D. Are Children ‘‘Intuitive Theists’’?: Reasoning About Purpose and Design in Nature // Psychological Science. 2004. Vol. 15/5. P. 295-301.
38. Lawson E. T. Psychological Perspectives on Agency // Religion in Mind: Cognitive Perspectives on Religious Belief, Ritual, and Experience / Ed. by J. Andresen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. P. 141-172.
39. McCauley R. N. Why Religion is Natural and Science is Not. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
40. Porubanova-Norquist M. et al. Minimal-Counterintuitiveness Revisited: Effects of Cultural and Ontological Violations on Concept Memorability // Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion. 2013. Vol. 1/2. P. 181-192.
41. Richert R. A., Barrett J. L. Do You See What I See? Young Children’s Assumptions about God’s Perceptual Abilities // The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 2005. Vol. 15/4. P. 283-295.
42. Slone D. J. Theological Incorrectness: Why Religious People Believe What They Shouldn’t. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
43. Sperber D. The Modularity of Thought and the Epidemiology of Representations // Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Culture / Ed. by L.A. Hirschfeld, S.A. Gelman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. P. 39-67.
44. Spilka B. et al. A General Attribution Theory for the Psychology of Religion // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1985. Vol. 24. P. 1-20