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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Golovina O.V. The activities of the Russian Monarchist Union during World War І and the February Revolution: Historiographical Problems

Аннотация: At the modern stage of the development of historical science studying the activity of Russian Monarchist Union as an important part of the social and political processes in the territory of Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century does not lose its significance. Therefore, the historiographical researches of this study and its complex current historical meaning still remain relevant. The particular significance of the historiographical researches of the activities of the Russian Monarchist Union during World War I and the February Bourgeois Revolution is determined by an insufficient state of knowledge regarding this problem, which means it can be classifed as ‘underexamined’. The article contains a general overview of the historiography of the Russian Monarchist Union in the Russian Empire during 1914 – February 1917: a study of the state of knowledge regarding this topic and the determination of relevant problems. The research is based on the fundamental methodological principles of historical study: historicism and objectivity. These principles are reflected by using a number of research methods employed in historiographical studies: general science methods, general historical science methods, and specific historiographical methods - in particular, the methods of specific historiographical analysis and historiographical synthesis. Based on the results of the research, the author summarises the previous studies of the activity of Russian Monarchist Union during World War I and the February Bourgeois Revolution. This allows the identification of the underexamined and debatable problems in studying the above-mentioned political associations, and the main trends and tendencies in the Monarchist Association’s historiography, which determines the tasks and prospects for further study of the Russian Monarchist Union and their activity during the period between 1914 and February 1917.

Ключевые слова:

February Bourgeois Revolution, State Duma, Russian Right-Wing Parties, Conservative Ideology, the Black Hundreds, Monarchist Union, historiography, Russian Monarchists, World War I, Russian political history

Abstract: At the modern stage of the development of historical science studying the activity of Russian Monarchist Union as an important part of the social and political processes in the territory of Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century does not lose its significance. Therefore, the historiographical researches of this study and its complex current historical meaning still remain relevant. The particular significance of the historiographical researches of the activities of the Russian Monarchist Union during World War I and the February Bourgeois Revolution is determined by an insufficient state of knowledge regarding this problem, which means it can be classifed as ‘underexamined’. The article contains a general overview of the historiography of the Russian Monarchist Union in the Russian Empire during 1914 – February 1917: a study of the state of knowledge regarding this topic and the determination of relevant problems. The research is based on the fundamental methodological principles of historical study: historicism and objectivity. These principles are reflected by using a number of research methods employed in historiographical studies: general science methods, general historical science methods, and specific historiographical methods - in particular, the methods of specific historiographical analysis and historiographical synthesis. Based on the results of the research, the author summarises the previous studies of the activity of Russian Monarchist Union during World War I and the February Bourgeois Revolution. This allows the identification of the underexamined and debatable problems in studying the above-mentioned political associations, and the main trends and tendencies in the Monarchist Association’s historiography, which determines the tasks and prospects for further study of the Russian Monarchist Union and their activity during the period between 1914 and February 1917.


February Bourgeois Revolution, State Duma, Russian Right-Wing Parties, Conservative Ideology, the Black Hundreds, Monarchist Union, historiography, Russian Monarchists, World War I, Russian political history

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1. Iyerusalimskiy Y. Y., Kokorina E. A. Historiography of the Monarchist and Black-Hundred Movement in 1905 – 1907. // Moscow University Bulletin – Series 8, History. – 1994. – No. 3. – Pages 27–39;
2. Karpuchin D. V. Black Hundred: Landmarks of Understanding in Russia. – M.: MGOU Publishing House, 2009. – 387 pages;
3. Kichev V. G. National Historiography of the Landowner and Bourgeois Parties in Russia: author’s abstract from historical science doctor dissertation: special. 07.00.09 Historiography, Source and Historical Analysis Methods. – Ulan-Ude, 2009. – 50 pages;
4. Mikhailova E. M. Problems of the Political Ideology of the Right-Wing Monarchist Movement at the Beginning of ХХ Century in the Modern National Historiography // Cheboksary Cooperative Institute Bulletin. – 2008. – No.. 2. – С. 200–207;
5. Pavko А. І. Political Parties and Union in Ukraine at the End of the ХІХ – beginning of the ХХ century: Methodology, Historiography of the Problem and Promising Directions of the Scientific Research. – K: Znannya, 2001. – 112 pages.
6. Svitlenko S. І. Theoretic and Methodological Problems of Studying the History of Democratic Revolution of 1905 – 1907 years in Ukraine // The World of Modern Ukraine at the End of XVIII – Beginning of ХХ Century: Collection of the Scientific Papers – Dnepropetrovsk: Gerda, 2007. – Pages 346–354.
7. Avrekh A. Y., Stolypin and the Third Duma. – M.: Nauka, 1968. – 520 pages;
8. Avrekh A. Y. Tsarism and IV Duma (1912 – 1914). – М.: Nauka, 1981. – 294 pages;
9. Dyakin V. S. Bourgeoisie, Nobility and Tsarism in 1911 – 1914: Decay of the 3rd-of-June System. – L.: Nauka, 1988. – 230 pages;
10. Solovyev Y. B. Autocracy and Nobility in 1907 – 1914. – Leningrad: Nauka, 1990. – 270 pages.
11. Lyubchenko V. B. Theoretic and Practical Activity of Russian Nationalistic Union in Ukraine (1908 – 1914) // Ukrainian History Magazine. – 1996. – No.2. – Pages 55–65;
12. Romov R. B. Right-Wing Fraction in the III State Duma (1907 – 1912): author’s abstract from historical science candidate dissertation: special. 07.00.02 National History. – М., 2003. – 30 pages;
13. Yakunina А. О. Participation of the Ukrainian Monarchist Union in the State Duma Elections (1907 – 1913) // Grani. – 2010. – No. 2. – Pages. 16–21.
14. Political History of Ukraine. ХХ Century.: U 6 vol. / Editing Committee: І. F. Kuras (the Head) and others – Vol. 1: At the Turn of Centuries (End of the ХІХ Century –1917) / Y. A. Levenets (Manager.), L. P. Nagorna, M. S. Karmazina. – K.: Geneza, 2002. – 424 pages;
15. Reyent O. P., Serdyuk O.V. World War I and Ukraine. – К.: Geneza, 2004. – 480 pages;
16. Romov R. B. First Fraction in the State Duma // Political Parties in Russian Revolutions at the Beginning of ХХ Century. – М.: Nauka, 2005. – Pages 452–462;
17. Soldatenko V. F. Ukraine in the Age of Revolutions: Historical Essay Chronicle: U 4 vol.: Vol.І: year 1917. – KH.: Prapor, 2008. – 560 pages.
18. Avrekh A. Y. Failure of the 3rd-of-June COUP d’État 1907. – М.: Nauka, 1985. – 261 pages;
19. Avrekh A. Y. Tsarism on the Eve of Overthrow. – М.: Nauka, 1989. – 256 pages;
20. Dolgikh F. I. Right Wing in III and IV State Dumas of Russia (1907–1917): author’s abstract from historical science candidate dissertation: special. 07.00.02 National History. – М. 2004. – 16 pages.;
21. Dyakin V. S. Russian Bourgeoisie and Tsarism in the Age of the World War I (1914 – 1917). – L.: Nauka, 1967. – 374 pages;
22. Pavko А. І. Political Parties and Union in Ukraine: End of the ХІХ – Beginning of the ХХ Century: Origination, Development, Activity and Historical Fate. End of the ХІХ Century – February 1917 – К., 1999. – 248 pages;
23. Kiryanov Y. I. Right-Wing Parties in Russia. 1911 – 1917. – М.: ROSSPEN, – 2001.– 464 pages;
24. Omelyanchuk I. V. Social Constitution of the Black-Hundred Parties // National History. – 2004. – No. 2. – Pages 84–96;
25. Omelyanchuk I. V. Black Hundred Movement in Ukraine at the Beginning of the ХХ Century // Modern Age. – 1997. – No. 12. – Pages. 86–93;
26. Stepanov S. А. Black Hundred in Russia (1905 – 1917). – М.: EKSMO; Yauza, 2005. – 583 pages.
27. Kokovtsov V. N. From My Past. Memories of 1911–1919 / Editor: S. S. Volk. – М.: Contemporary, 1991. – 590 pages;
28. Lenin V. I. Election Results // Complete Collection of Writings [5th Edition.]: in 55 vol. – Vol. 22. – М., – 1976. – Pages 319–344;
29. Lenin B. I. Political Parties in Russia // Complete Collection of Writings [5th Edition.]: in 55 vol. – Т. Vol. – М., – 1976. – Pages 275–287;
30. Milyukov P. N. Memories. – М.: Politizdat, 1991. – 528 pages;
31. Trotskiy L. D. History of Russian Revolution: in 2 vol. – Vol. 1: February Revolution / General editing and introductory article by N. Vasetskiy; Notes by V. Ivanovich. – М: TERRA; Republic, 1997. – 464 pages;
32. Shulgin V. V. The Years. the Days. 1920. – М.: Novosti, 1990. – 832 pages.
33. Komin V. V. History of the Landowner, Bourgeoisie and Small Bourgeoisie Political Parties in Russia: Facultative Course of Lections. – Kalinin, 1970. – 227 pages;
34. Spirin L. М. Ruination of the Landowner and Bourgeois Parties in Russia (Beginning of the ХХ Century–1920). – М.: Mysl', 1977. – 366 pages.
35. Avrekh A. Y. Failure of the 3rd-of-June System. – М.: Nauka, 1985. – 261 pages;
36. Avrekh A. Y. Tsarism on the Eve of Overthrow. – М.: Nauka, 1989 – 256 pages;
37. Chermenskiy E. D. IV State Duma and Overthrow of Tsarism in Russia. – М.: Mysl', 1976. – 317 pages.
38. Ivanova А. А. Right Wing in the Russian Parliament: From Crisis to the Wreck (1914 – 1917). – М.; Spb.: Alyans-Arkheo, 2013. – 520 pages.
39. Omelyanchuk I. V. Black Hundred Movement in Ukraine at the Beginning of the ХХ Century // Modern Age. – 1997. – No. 12. – Pages 86–93;
40. Savchin M. S. Right-Wing Monarchist Union in Russia // Scientific Works on Political History. – Issue. 169. – K., – 1991. – Pages. 52–60;
41. Samartsev I. G. Black Hundreds in Ukraine (1905–1917) // Ukrainian History Magazine. – 1992. – No. 1. – Pages 90–98.
42. Dudar O. V. Terrorism as a Way of Black-Hundred Union Activity (1905 – 1917) // I. Franko Zhitomir State University Bulletin. – 2004. – Pages 30–34;
43. Krivobok О. P. Conservative Nationalistic All-Russian Parties in Chernigov Region at the Beginning of ХХ Century // Collection of Ukrainian History. – 2008. – Issue.11. – Pages 159 – 172.
44. Volkovinskiy V. M. Black Hundred and its ‘Godfathers’ in Ukraine at the Beginning of ХХ Century. // Ukrainian History. – 2002. – No. 10. – Pages. 54–65;
45. Lyubchenko V. B. Opt. cit. Martynyuk O. Russian Nationalism at the Beginning of the ХХth Century: Conservative Politicians and Pre-Election Strategies in the Right-Bank Ukraine [Electronic resource] // Modern Ukraine: International Intellectual Magazine. – Published on Sep 12,. – Access mode: http://www.uamoderna.com/md/182-182.
46. Zoryk V. A. Political Parties of Ukraine and Russia in the Age of the World War I (1914 – February 1917). – KH.: KHDUKHT, 2011. – 216 pages.
47. Konyk O. O. Deputies of the Russian Empire State Duma from Naddnepryanshina Region of Ukraine (1906 – 1917). – Dnepropetrovsk: Gerda, 2013. – 454 pages;
48. Glushkovetskiy A. L. Democracy in Province: Elections and Podolskaya Guberniya Deputy Activity in the Russian Empire State Dumas. – Kamyanets-Podolsiy: Buynitskiy O. А., 2010. – 399 pages;
49. Mylko V. І. Participation of the Deputies from Ukrainian Cities and Guberniyas in Operation of the I – IV Russian Empire State Duma (1906-1917): author’s abstract from historical science candidate dissertation: special. 07.00.01 Ukrainian History. – K., 2012. – 20 pages.
50. Ivanov A. A. Opt. cit.
51. Tarasov O. A. Political Activity of the Nationalistic and Monarchist Parties and Union in Russia in the Age of World War I (1914 – February 1917.): author’s abstract from a historical science candidate’s dissertation: special. 07.00.02 National History. – М., 1997. – 24 pages.
1. Iyerusalimskiy Y. Y., Kokorina E. A. Historiography of the Monarchist and Black-Hundred Movement in 1905 – 1907. // Moscow University Bulletin – Series 8, History. – 1994. – No. 3. – Pages 27–39;
2. Karpuchin D. V. Black Hundred: Landmarks of Understanding in Russia. – M.: MGOU Publishing House, 2009. – 387 pages;
3. Kichev V. G. National Historiography of the Landowner and Bourgeois Parties in Russia: author’s abstract from historical science doctor dissertation: special. 07.00.09 Historiography, Source and Historical Analysis Methods. – Ulan-Ude, 2009. – 50 pages;
4. Mikhailova E. M. Problems of the Political Ideology of the Right-Wing Monarchist Movement at the Beginning of ХХ Century in the Modern National Historiography // Cheboksary Cooperative Institute Bulletin. – 2008. – No.. 2. – С. 200–207;
5. Pavko А. І. Political Parties and Union in Ukraine at the End of the ХІХ – beginning of the ХХ century: Methodology, Historiography of the Problem and Promising Directions of the Scientific Research. – K: Znannya, 2001. – 112 pages.
6. Svitlenko S. І. Theoretic and Methodological Problems of Studying the History of Democratic Revolution of 1905 – 1907 years in Ukraine // The World of Modern Ukraine at the End of XVIII – Beginning of ХХ Century: Collection of the Scientific Papers – Dnepropetrovsk: Gerda, 2007. – Pages 346–354.
7. Avrekh A. Y., Stolypin and the Third Duma. – M.: Nauka, 1968. – 520 pages;
8. Avrekh A. Y. Tsarism and IV Duma (1912 – 1914). – М.: Nauka, 1981. – 294 pages;
9. Dyakin V. S. Bourgeoisie, Nobility and Tsarism in 1911 – 1914: Decay of the 3rd-of-June System. – L.: Nauka, 1988. – 230 pages;
10. Solovyev Y. B. Autocracy and Nobility in 1907 – 1914. – Leningrad: Nauka, 1990. – 270 pages.
11. Lyubchenko V. B. Theoretic and Practical Activity of Russian Nationalistic Union in Ukraine (1908 – 1914) // Ukrainian History Magazine. – 1996. – No.2. – Pages 55–65;
12. Romov R. B. Right-Wing Fraction in the III State Duma (1907 – 1912): author’s abstract from historical science candidate dissertation: special. 07.00.02 National History. – М., 2003. – 30 pages;
13. Yakunina А. О. Participation of the Ukrainian Monarchist Union in the State Duma Elections (1907 – 1913) // Grani. – 2010. – No. 2. – Pages. 16–21.
14. Political History of Ukraine. ХХ Century.: U 6 vol. / Editing Committee: І. F. Kuras (the Head) and others – Vol. 1: At the Turn of Centuries (End of the ХІХ Century –1917) / Y. A. Levenets (Manager.), L. P. Nagorna, M. S. Karmazina. – K.: Geneza, 2002. – 424 pages;
15. Reyent O. P., Serdyuk O.V. World War I and Ukraine. – К.: Geneza, 2004. – 480 pages;
16. Romov R. B. First Fraction in the State Duma // Political Parties in Russian Revolutions at the Beginning of ХХ Century. – М.: Nauka, 2005. – Pages 452–462;
17. Soldatenko V. F. Ukraine in the Age of Revolutions: Historical Essay Chronicle: U 4 vol.: Vol.І: year 1917. – KH.: Prapor, 2008. – 560 pages.
18. Avrekh A. Y. Failure of the 3rd-of-June COUP d’État 1907. – М.: Nauka, 1985. – 261 pages;
19. Avrekh A. Y. Tsarism on the Eve of Overthrow. – М.: Nauka, 1989. – 256 pages;
20. Dolgikh F. I. Right Wing in III and IV State Dumas of Russia (1907–1917): author’s abstract from historical science candidate dissertation: special. 07.00.02 National History. – М. 2004. – 16 pages.;
21. Dyakin V. S. Russian Bourgeoisie and Tsarism in the Age of the World War I (1914 – 1917). – L.: Nauka, 1967. – 374 pages;
22. Pavko А. І. Political Parties and Union in Ukraine: End of the ХІХ – Beginning of the ХХ Century: Origination, Development, Activity and Historical Fate. End of the ХІХ Century – February 1917 – К., 1999. – 248 pages;
23. Kiryanov Y. I. Right-Wing Parties in Russia. 1911 – 1917. – М.: ROSSPEN, – 2001.– 464 pages;
24. Omelyanchuk I. V. Social Constitution of the Black-Hundred Parties // National History. – 2004. – No. 2. – Pages 84–96;
25. Omelyanchuk I. V. Black Hundred Movement in Ukraine at the Beginning of the ХХ Century // Modern Age. – 1997. – No. 12. – Pages. 86–93;
26. Stepanov S. А. Black Hundred in Russia (1905 – 1917). – М.: EKSMO; Yauza, 2005. – 583 pages.
27. Kokovtsov V. N. From My Past. Memories of 1911–1919 / Editor: S. S. Volk. – М.: Contemporary, 1991. – 590 pages;
28. Lenin V. I. Election Results // Complete Collection of Writings [5th Edition.]: in 55 vol. – Vol. 22. – М., – 1976. – Pages 319–344;
29. Lenin B. I. Political Parties in Russia // Complete Collection of Writings [5th Edition.]: in 55 vol. – Т. Vol. – М., – 1976. – Pages 275–287;
30. Milyukov P. N. Memories. – М.: Politizdat, 1991. – 528 pages;
31. Trotskiy L. D. History of Russian Revolution: in 2 vol. – Vol. 1: February Revolution / General editing and introductory article by N. Vasetskiy; Notes by V. Ivanovich. – М: TERRA; Republic, 1997. – 464 pages;
32. Shulgin V. V. The Years. the Days. 1920. – М.: Novosti, 1990. – 832 pages.
33. Komin V. V. History of the Landowner, Bourgeoisie and Small Bourgeoisie Political Parties in Russia: Facultative Course of Lections. – Kalinin, 1970. – 227 pages;
34. Spirin L. М. Ruination of the Landowner and Bourgeois Parties in Russia (Beginning of the ХХ Century–1920). – М.: Mysl', 1977. – 366 pages.
35. Avrekh A. Y. Failure of the 3rd-of-June System. – М.: Nauka, 1985. – 261 pages;
36. Avrekh A. Y. Tsarism on the Eve of Overthrow. – М.: Nauka, 1989 – 256 pages;
37. Chermenskiy E. D. IV State Duma and Overthrow of Tsarism in Russia. – М.: Mysl', 1976. – 317 pages.
38. Ivanova А. А. Right Wing in the Russian Parliament: From Crisis to the Wreck (1914 – 1917). – М.; Spb.: Alyans-Arkheo, 2013. – 520 pages.
39. Omelyanchuk I. V. Black Hundred Movement in Ukraine at the Beginning of the ХХ Century // Modern Age. – 1997. – No. 12. – Pages 86–93;
40. Savchin M. S. Right-Wing Monarchist Union in Russia // Scientific Works on Political History. – Issue. 169. – K., – 1991. – Pages. 52–60;
41. Samartsev I. G. Black Hundreds in Ukraine (1905–1917) // Ukrainian History Magazine. – 1992. – No. 1. – Pages 90–98.
42. Dudar O. V. Terrorism as a Way of Black-Hundred Union Activity (1905 – 1917) // I. Franko Zhitomir State University Bulletin. – 2004. – Pages 30–34;
43. Krivobok О. P. Conservative Nationalistic All-Russian Parties in Chernigov Region at the Beginning of ХХ Century // Collection of Ukrainian History. – 2008. – Issue.11. – Pages 159 – 172.
44. Volkovinskiy V. M. Black Hundred and its ‘Godfathers’ in Ukraine at the Beginning of ХХ Century. // Ukrainian History. – 2002. – No. 10. – Pages. 54–65;
45. Lyubchenko V. B. Opt. cit. Martynyuk O. Russian Nationalism at the Beginning of the ХХth Century: Conservative Politicians and Pre-Election Strategies in the Right-Bank Ukraine [Electronic resource] // Modern Ukraine: International Intellectual Magazine. – Published on Sep 12,. – Access mode: http://www.uamoderna.com/md/182-182.
46. Zoryk V. A. Political Parties of Ukraine and Russia in the Age of the World War I (1914 – February 1917). – KH.: KHDUKHT, 2011. – 216 pages.
47. Konyk O. O. Deputies of the Russian Empire State Duma from Naddnepryanshina Region of Ukraine (1906 – 1917). – Dnepropetrovsk: Gerda, 2013. – 454 pages;
48. Glushkovetskiy A. L. Democracy in Province: Elections and Podolskaya Guberniya Deputy Activity in the Russian Empire State Dumas. – Kamyanets-Podolsiy: Buynitskiy O. А., 2010. – 399 pages;
49. Mylko V. І. Participation of the Deputies from Ukrainian Cities and Guberniyas in Operation of the I – IV Russian Empire State Duma (1906-1917): author’s abstract from historical science candidate dissertation: special. 07.00.01 Ukrainian History. – K., 2012. – 20 pages.
50. Ivanov A. A. Opt. cit.
51. Tarasov O. A. Political Activity of the Nationalistic and Monarchist Parties and Union in Russia in the Age of World War I (1914 – February 1917.): author’s abstract from a historical science candidate’s dissertation: special. 07.00.02 National History. – М., 1997. – 24 pages.