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Байректаревич А.. Europe of Sarajevo 100 years later: 9/11 or 11/9? (the EU of Genocide and Unification)

Аннотация: Some 20 years ago the genocide of worst kind was taking place just one hour flight from Brussels. That time, assassination of different kind from the one of 1914 has enveloped Sarajevo. While massive European ignorance turned Bosnia (and the Union of different peoples – Yugoslavia) into a years-long slaughterhouse, the Maastricht dream was unifying the Westphalian world of the Old continent. Today, two decades later, Atlantic Europe is a political powerhouse (with two of three European nuclear powers, and two of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, P-5), Central Europe is an economic powerhouse, Russophone Europe is an energy powerhouse, Scandinavian Europe is a bit of all that, and Eastern Europe is none of it. No wonder that as soon as serious external or inner security challenges emerge, the compounding parts of the true, historic Europe are resurfacing again. Formerly in Iraq (with the exception of France) and now with Libya, Sudan, Mali and Syria; Central Europe is hesitant to act, Atlantic Europe is eager, Scandinavian Europe is absent, Eastern Europe is bandwagoning, and Russophone Europe is opposing. Did Europe change (after its own 11/9), or it only became more itself?

Ключевые слова:

First World War, politica, unification, geopolitics, Bosnia, Sarajevo, Europe, Westphalian Ummah, the international relations, international conflict

Abstract: Some 20 years ago the genocide of worst kind was taking place just one hour flight from Brussels. That time, assassination of different kind from the one of 1914 has enveloped Sarajevo. While massive European ignorance turned Bosnia (and the Union of different peoples – Yugoslavia) into a years-long slaughterhouse, the Maastricht dream was unifying the Westphalian world of the Old continent. Today, two decades later, Atlantic Europe is a political powerhouse (with two of three European nuclear powers, and two of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, P–5), Central Europe is an economic powerhouse, Russophone Europe is an energy powerhouse, Scandinavian Europe is a bit of all that, and Eastern Europe is none of it. No wonder that as soon as serious external or inner security challenges emerge, the compounding parts of the true, historic Europe are resurfacing again. Formerly in Iraq (with the exception of France) and now with Libya, Sudan, Mali and Syria; Central Europe is hesitant to act, Atlantic Europe is eager, Scandinavian Europe is absent, Eastern Europe is bandwagoning, and Russophone Europe is opposing. Did Europe change (after its own 11/9), or it only became more itself?


First World War, politica, unification, geopolitics, Bosnia, Sarajevo, Europe, Westphalian Ummah, the international relations, international conflict

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1. Bajrektarevic, A. (2013), Future of Europe (Of Lisbon and Generational Interval), EU Journal Europe’s World, Brussels
2. Kissinger, H. ( 1994), Diplomacy, A Touchstone Book
3. Siedentop, L. (2001), Democracy in Europe, Penguin Books
4. Bruton, J. (2013), How real is the danger of an EU collapse?, EU Journal Europe’s World 23(13) 2013, Brussels
5. Fukuyama, F. (2012), The Future of History, Foreign Affairs Magazine 91(1) 2012
6. Bajrektarevic, A. (2007), Verticalization of Historical Experiences: Europe’s and Asia’s Security Structures – Structural Similarities and Differences, Crossroads – the Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal, 4 (1), page 111-112, M-MFA07
7. Ferguson, N. (2005), Colossus – The Rise and Fall of the American Empire, Penguin Books (page 255)
8. Mahbubani, K. (2008), The New Asian Hemisphere, Public Affairs, Perseus Books Group (page: 44-45)
9. Stiglitz, J.E. (2012), The Price of Inequality, Penguin Economics
10. Bajrektarevic, A. (2013), Da Lisbona a Barcellona: Tutti gli strumenti dimenticati dell´ Unione Europea, Geopolitica Rivista dell'Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie, Rome (07 FEB 2013)
11. Wallerstein, I. (1999), The End of the World as We Know it: Social Science for the XXI century, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
12. Youngs, R. (2011), Europe’s Decline and Fall – The struggle against global irrelevance, Profile Books
13. Garton Ash, T. (2012), The Crisis of Europe – How the Union Came Together and Why It’s Falling Apart, Foreign Affairs Magazine 91(5) 2012
14. Maalouf, A. (2009), Le Dérèglement du monde : Quand nos civilisations s’épuisent, Grasset, Paris
15. Bajrektarevic, A. (2013), Multiculturalism is D(r)ead in Europe – MENA Oil and the (hidden) political prize Europe pays for it, Nordic Page, Oslo Norway
16. Kagan, R. (2004) Of Paradise and Power, Vintage Books (page 85)
17. Манойло А.В. World Models and Technologies of Psychological Impact to Resolve International Conflicts // NB: Международные отношения. - 2013. - 4. - C. 1 - 15. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9400.html
18. Manoylo, A.V. Interests of foreign policy of the USA in the Afghanistan. // . - 2012. - 3. - C. 76 - 81.
1. Bajrektarevic, A. (2013), Future of Europe (Of Lisbon and Generational Interval), EU Journal Europe’s World, Brussels
2. Kissinger, H. ( 1994), Diplomacy, A Touchstone Book
3. Siedentop, L. (2001), Democracy in Europe, Penguin Books
4. Bruton, J. (2013), How real is the danger of an EU collapse?, EU Journal Europe’s World 23(13) 2013, Brussels
5. Fukuyama, F. (2012), The Future of History, Foreign Affairs Magazine 91(1) 2012
6. Bajrektarevic, A. (2007), Verticalization of Historical Experiences: Europe’s and Asia’s Security Structures – Structural Similarities and Differences, Crossroads – the Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal, 4 (1), page 111-112, M-MFA07
7. Ferguson, N. (2005), Colossus – The Rise and Fall of the American Empire, Penguin Books (page 255)
8. Mahbubani, K. (2008), The New Asian Hemisphere, Public Affairs, Perseus Books Group (page: 44-45)
9. Stiglitz, J.E. (2012), The Price of Inequality, Penguin Economics
10. Bajrektarevic, A. (2013), Da Lisbona a Barcellona: Tutti gli strumenti dimenticati dell´ Unione Europea, Geopolitica Rivista dell'Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie, Rome (07 FEB 2013)
11. Wallerstein, I. (1999), The End of the World as We Know it: Social Science for the XXI century, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
12. Youngs, R. (2011), Europe’s Decline and Fall – The struggle against global irrelevance, Profile Books
13. Garton Ash, T. (2012), The Crisis of Europe – How the Union Came Together and Why It’s Falling Apart, Foreign Affairs Magazine 91(5) 2012
14. Maalouf, A. (2009), Le Dérèglement du monde : Quand nos civilisations s’épuisent, Grasset, Paris
15. Bajrektarevic, A. (2013), Multiculturalism is D(r)ead in Europe – MENA Oil and the (hidden) political prize Europe pays for it, Nordic Page, Oslo Norway
16. Kagan, R. (2004) Of Paradise and Power, Vintage Books (page 85)
17. Manoylo A.V. World Models and Technologies of Psychological Impact to Resolve International Conflicts // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. - 2013. - 4. - C. 1 - 15. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9400.html
18. Manoylo, A.V. Interests of foreign policy of the USA in the Afghanistan. // . - 2012. - 3. - C. 76 - 81.