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Психология и Психотехника
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Уддин М.. Personal and motivational aspects of students studying in traditional face-to-face system and distance education system

Аннотация: Personal and motivational aspects of students studying in traditional face-to-face system and distance education system: As the popularity of distance higher education has been growing rapidly all over the world, the importance of understanding psycho-pedagogical issues of learners studying in distance education has been growing too. In this article an attempt has been made to present findings of a dissertation research on various psycho-pedagogical components like self-actualization, self-regulation, locus of control, achievement motivation, and academic performance. Research methodology: A number of scientific methods such as colligation, comparison, theoretical analysis of philosophy, pedagogical and psychological literature, regulation and guidance documents issued by the government of Russian Federation; empirical methods: observation, discussion, interview, test, questionnaire; psychological methods: test and questionnaire. Psychological tests: To reveal personal characteristics of students following tests, well-accepted and widely used in Russia and other countries, are used: Self-actualization Test (adapted and modified version of Personal Orientation Inventory developed by Everett Shostrom (Aloshina, Gozman, Jagik and Kruz) (Ю.Е. Алешина, Л.Я. Гозман, М.В. Загик, М.В.Кроз); Locus of control (based on Rotter but adapted and modified for using in Russia) (Bajhina, Golinika, Atkin) (Е. Ф. Бажина, Е. А. Голынкина, А. М. Эткинд); Self-regulated behavior by Marasanova (В.И. Моросанова). A test originally developed Ryan and Yakunin (А.А.Реан и В.А.Якунина) but modified by Badmaeva (Н.Ц.Бадмаевой) has been used to diagnose academic motivation of students. A test developed by А. А. Реана. “motivation to success or feature of failure” has been used for diagnosing achievement motivation level of students. The study reveals influence of the following psychological characteristics of students studying in the face-to-face and distance education: the student of the both forms of education show a similar pattern of personal development for the following characteristics: self-esteem and self-actualization value; distance learners exhibit higher level of self-actualization and internal locus of control but no significant difference is found in the level of self-regulated behavior. Achievement motivation is higher for distance learners; significant correlation exists between achievement motivation and various indicators of personal development of students of the both forms of education.

Ключевые слова:

self-actualization, self-regulation, locus of control, achievement motivation, academic performance, distance education, face-to-face, academic motivation, psycho-pedagogical aspects, personal development characteristics

Abstract: Personal and motivational aspects of students studying in traditional face-to-face system and distance education system: As the popularity of distance higher education has been growing rapidly all over the world, the importance of understanding psycho-pedagogical issues of learners studying in distance education has been growing too. In this article an attempt has been made to present findings of a dissertation research on various psycho-pedagogical components like self-actualization, self-regulation, locus of control, achievement motivation, and academic performance. Research methodology: A number of scientific methods such as colligation, comparison, theoretical analysis of philosophy, pedagogical and psychological literature, regulation and guidance documents issued by the government of Russian Federation; empirical methods: observation, discussion, interview, test, questionnaire; psychological methods: test and questionnaire. Psychological tests: To reveal personal characteristics of students following tests, well-accepted and widely used in Russia and other countries, are used: Self-actualization Test (adapted and modified version of Personal Orientation Inventory developed by Everett Shostrom (Aloshina, Gozman, Jagik and Kruz); Locus of control (basedon Rotter but adapted and modified for using in Russia) (Bajhina, Golinika, Atkin); Self-regulated behavior by Marasanova. A test originally developed Ryan and Yakunin but modified by Badmaeva has been used to diagnose academic motivation of students. A test developed by А.А.Реана. “motivation to success or feature of failure” has been used for diagnosing achievement motivation level of students. The study reveals influence of the following psychological characteristics of students studying in the face-to face and distance education: the student of the both forms of education show a similar pattern of personal development for the following characteristics: self-esteem and self-actualization value; distance learners exhibit higher level of self-actualization and internal locus of control but no significant difference is found in the level of self-regulated behavior. Achievement motivation is higher for distance learners; significant correlation exists between achievement motivation and various indicators of personal development of students of the both forms of education.


self-actualization, self-regulation, locus of control, achievement motivation, academic performance, distance education, face-to-face, academic motivation, psycho-pedagogical aspects, personal development characteristics.

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