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Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
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Куделькин Н.С. Понятие «загрязнение морской среды» в российском и международном праве

Аннотация: The article concerns the definition of “pollution of marine environment”, which is extremely topical for the modern law, since the threshold of protection of the World ocean to a considerable extend depends on its elements. The author characterizes this term from the standpoints of natural sciences and jurisprudence. He studies definitions of this term in international and Russian law (including international treaties and Federal Laws of the Russian Federation). The author then analyzes the position of Russian and foreign legal scholars and environmental specialists on this issue. The author used general and specific scientific cognition methods, including logical, systemic and structural analysis, comparative legal studies, analysis and synthesis, formal legal approach, etc. The article includes an interdisciplinary study of the definition of “pollution of marine environment” in Russian and international law, and he provides propositions for its improvement, especially concerning widening the scope of this term in part of types and methods of committing “pollution of marine environment”.

Ключевые слова:

морская среда, загрязнение, понятийный аппарат, охрана природы, мировой океан, загрязнитель, экология, сброс, захоронение, инвазия

Abstract: The article concerns the definition of “pollution of marine environment”, which is extremely topical for the modern law, since the threshold of protection of the World ocean to a considerable extend depends on its elements. The author characterizes this term from the standpoints of natural sciences and jurisprudence. He studies definitions of this term in international and Russian law (including international treaties and Federal Laws of the Russian Federation). The author then analyzes the position of Russian and foreign legal scholars and environmental specialists on this issue. The author used general and specific scientific cognition methods, including logical, systemic and structural analysis, comparative legal studies, analysis and synthesis, formal legal approach, etc. The article includes an interdisciplinary study of the definition of “pollution of marine environment” in Russian and international law, and he provides propositions for its improvement, especially concerning widening the scope of this term in part of types and methods of committing “pollution of marine environment”.


marine environment, pollution, definition apparatus, environmental protection, the World ocean, pollution agent, environment, dump, disposal, invasion.

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