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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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А.В. Кресин Роль ЮНЕСКО и Международного комитета сравнительного права / Международной ассоциации юридических наук в развитии сравнительного правоведения

Аннотация: На основании малоизвестных документов ЮНЕСКО и других материалов автор раскрывает предысторию, особенности создания и деятельности Международного комитета сравнительного права и его преемника — Международной ассоциации юридических наук. В этом контексте проанализированы аспекты международного признания сравнительного правоведения как науки и его эвристического и аксиологического потенциала, дискуссии о его сущности, роли в развитии международного сотрудничества и системе юридического образования. Автор приходит к выводу о том, что процесс создания МКСП — МАЮН, с одной стороны, отобразил изменения в видении мировым сообществом роли и места юридических наук, а с другой — сыграл значительную роль в формировании современной парадигмы сравнительного правоведения.

Ключевые слова:

сравнительное правоведение, международные неправительственные организации, международные научные организации, ценностный потенциал науки, юридическая педагогика, отрасль юридической науки, научная дисциплина, институционализация науки, плюралистическая ментальность, мирное сосуществование, культура мира

Abstract: Based on little-known documents of UNESCO and other materials the author reveals the back-story, specialties of the establishment and activities of the International Committee of Comparative Law and its successor — International Association of Legal Sciences. In this context, examined aspects of the international recognition of comparative law / comparative jurisprudence as a science, its heuristic and axiological potential, debates about its nature, its role in promoting international cooperation and in the system of legal education. The author concludes that the creation of the ICCL — IALS, on the one hand, reflected changes in the vision by the international community of role and place of legal sciences, on the other — had played significant role in shaping the modern paradigm of comparative jurisprudence.


comparative jurisprudence, comparative law, international non-governmental organizations, international scientific organizations, value potential of science, law teaching, branch of legal science, scientific discipline, the institutionalization of science, a pluralistic mentality, peaceful coexistence, culture of peace.

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1. Association Internationale de Droit Compare. Commission Consultativo (Liste provisore). UNESCO/SS/EDC/6. Paris, le 18 mars 1949 [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа к этому и другим электронным ресурсам: www.unesco.org
2. Association Internationale de Droit Compare. Liste provisoire des membres du Comite Executif. UNESCO/SS/ EDC/13. Paris, le 27 jullet 1949. 2 p. [Электронный ресурс]
3. Avant-project de Rapport general de M. Niboyet. UNESCO/MRT/13. Paris, le 7 janvier 1952. [Электронный ресурс]
4. Boult R. A bibliography of Canadian law. Prepared for the International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation under the auspices of the International Association of Legal Science, with the support of the Canadian Association of Comparative Law and the Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre. — Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur, 1966. XII, 393 p.
5. Catalogue des sources de documentation juridique dans le monde. A register of legal documentation in the world. 2 nd ed. rev. and enl. Prepared by the International Association of Legal Science and the International Committee for Social Science Documentation. Paris: Unesco, 1953 (2 nd ed.: Paris, 1957).
6. Comité D’Organisation Pour la Creation D’Une Association Internationale de Droit Compare. Declaration. UNESCO/SS/EDC 10 (rev.). Paris, le 21 octobre 1949 [Электронный ресурс].
7. Comite executif provisoire pour la creation d’une Association Internationale de Droit Compare. Commission Consultative. Liste provisoire. UNESCO/SS/EDC/11. Paris, le 10 jullet 1949. 10 p. [Електронний ресурс]
8. Comite International de Droit Compare. Compte rendu du secretaire general. UNESCO/SS/EDC/14. Paris, le 25 janvier 1950. [Электронный ресурс]
9. Comite International de Droit Compare. Projet de statuts. UNESCO/SS/EDC/15. Paris, le 25 janvier 1950. 4 p. [Электронный ресурс]
10. David R. Propositions pour l’Organization Internationale des Etudes de Droit Compare. UNESCO/SS/EDC 1. Paris, le 10 février 1949 [Электронный ресурс]
11. David R. What Unesco might do in the field of Comparative Law. UNESCO/Cons.Jur./1/1947. Paris, January 21st, 1947. [Электронный ресурс]
12. General Conference. First session. Held at Unesco House, Paris, from 20 November to 10 December 1946. Paris: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 1947. [Электронный ресурс]
13. Huxley J. UNESCO. Its purpose and its philosophy / Preparatory Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. London: Frederick Printing Co., Ltd., 1946.
14. International Organization of the Study of Comparative Law // International Social Science Bulletin. 1949. Vol. 1. № 1-2.
15. Kisch I. A plea for union between Institutes of Comparative Law. UNESCO/Cons.Jur./3/1947. Paris, 17th February, 1947. [Электронный ресурс]
16. Lambert J. Les differences de legislations nationales, causes de tensions internationales. UNESCO/SS/EDC/7. Paris, le 17 mars 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
17. Le federalisme et le developpment des ordres juridiques. Federalism and development of legal systems. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1971. 226 p.
18. Meeting of the secretaries of international associations. Survey of the work // International Social Science Bulletin. 1950. Vol. II. № 2.
19. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. UNESCO/SS/EDC/ Conf.1/SR1. Paris, 28 March 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
20. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Summary record of the second meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SR2. Paris, 18 April 1949. Annex I. Report by professor Couture on the motives underlying the recommendations of the sub-committee on tensions. [Электронный ресурс]
21. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Summary record of the meetings of the Sub-Commission instructed to examine the influence of the differences in national juridical systems on tensions affecting international understanding. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1.SCTEN/SR1. Paris, 13 April 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
22. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Procedure committee. Summary record of the meeting… 22 March 1949. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SCPRO/SR2. Paris, 29 March 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
23. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Procedure committee. Summary record of the first meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SC.PRO/SR1. Paris, 30 March 1949. [Электрон-ный ресурс]
24. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Summary record of the fourth plenary meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SR4. Paris, 19 April 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
25. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Sub-Committee on organization. Summary record of the second meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SCORG/SR2. Paris, 29 March 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
26. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Summary record of the third meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SR3. Paris, 14 April 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
27. Preparatory meeting of an International Comparative Law Association. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/1. Paris, 16 March 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
28. Rapport presente par le Comite d’Organisation pour la Creation d’une Association Internationale de Droit Compare. UNESCO/SS/EDC/9. Paris, le 13 avril 1949. [Электронный ресурс]
29. Rapport sur le droit compare soulis a la Conference Generale de l’UNESCO (deuxieme session) tenue a Mexico en novembre 1947. UNESCO/SS/EDC/3. Paris, le 28 fevrior 1949 [Электронный ресурс]
30. Report of the International Association of Legal Science on the Symposium on the Legal Aspects of Peaceful Cooperation (Paris, 17-21 February 1956) UNESCO/SS/Coop/5. Paris, 11 June 1956 [Электронный ресурс]
31. Speech delivered on 21 march 1949 at the opening of the preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association by Mr. Jaime Torres Bodet, director-general of UNESCO // International Social Science Bulletin. 1949. Vol. I. № 1-2.
32. The International Committee of Comparative Law // International Social Sciences Bulletin. 1950. Vol. II. № 1.
33. The International Committee of Comparative Law // International Social Sciences Bulletin. 1952. Vol. IV. № 4.
34. The meeting of the secretaries of international social science associations. 15 November 1950 // International Social Science Journal. 1951. Vol. III. № 1.
35. The university teaching of social sciences: law. Report prepared by Charles Eisenmann for the International Association of Legal Science. Revised and enlarged Edition. Paris: UNESCO, 1973. (first ed. Paris, 1954).
36. The work of the International Committee of Comparative Law // International Social Sciences Journal. 1951. Vol. III. № 1.
37. UNESCO and the development of social science teaching. Progress report and analysis of regional round tables // International Social Sciences Bulletin. 1955. Vol. VII. № 1.
38. UNESCO and the social sciences // International Social Science Bulletin. 1949. Vol. I. № 1-2.
39. UNESCO promotes the creation of an International Sociological Association // International Social Science Bulletin. 1949. Vol. 1. № 1-2.
40. Why it is desirable for Unesco to possess an Organization for the study and development of Comparative Law. UNESCO/Cons.Jur./2/1947. Paris, 29th January, 1947. [Электронный ресурс]
41. Zajtay I. The International Association of Legal Science: its contribution to comparative law // American journal of comparative law. 1977-1978. Vol. 26.
42. Крес?н О.В. Пор?вняльне правознавство: в?тчизнян? та заруб?жн? спец?ал?зован? центри досл?дження ? викладання: Дов?дник / За ред. В.Н. Денисова. К.: ?нститут держави ? права ?м. В.М. Корецького НАН Укра?ни, 2005. 192 с.
43. Крес?н О.В. Питання критер??в при вивченн? генези пор?вняльного правознавства // Пор?вняльне право-знавство: сучасний стан ? перспективи розвитку: Зб. наукових праць / За ред. Ю.С. Шемшученка, ?.С. Гри-ценка, М.Б. Бучка; упор. О.В. Крес?н. К.: Логос, 2010. С. 20-32.
44. Корецкий В.М. Международное хозяйственное право и мировое право / Пор?вняльне правознавство:Антолог?я укра?нсько? компаратив?стики Х?Х-ХХ стол?ть / За ред. О.В. Крес?на; Упорядники: О.В. Крес?н (кер. кол.), К.О. Черниченко, О.В. Ткаченко. К.: ?нститут держави ? права ?м. В.М. В.М. Корецького НАН Укра?ни; Ви-давництво «Логос», 2008. С. 214-225.
45. Крес?н О.В. Науковий та ц?нн?сний потенц?ал пор?вняльного правознавства // ?вропейське право та пор?вняльне правознавство: Зб?рник статей / За ред. Ю.С. Шемшученка, ?.С. Гриценка, О.В. Крес?на; упор. О.В. Крес?н, О.Д. Рожко. Ки?в-Шамбор?: Логос, 2010. С. 150-157.
46. Крес?н О.В. Проблема пер?одизац?? розвитку пор?вняльного правознавства // Пор?вняльне правознавство: сучасний стан ? перспективи розвитку: Зб. статей / За ред. Ю.С. Шемшученка, Л.В. Губерського, ?.С. Гри-ценка; упор. О.В. Крес?н. К.: Логос, 2009. С. 37-42.
47. Саидов А.Х. Сравнительное правоведение (основные правовые системы современности): Учебник / Под ред. В.А. Туманова. М.: Юристъ, 2003. 448 с
1. Association Internationale de Droit Compare. Commission Consultativo (Liste provisore). UNESCO/SS/EDC/6. Paris, le 18 mars 1949 [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa k etomu i drugim elektronnym resursam: www.unesco.org
2. Association Internationale de Droit Compare. Liste provisoire des membres du Comite Executif. UNESCO/SS/ EDC/13. Paris, le 27 jullet 1949. 2 p. [Elektronnyy resurs]
3. Avant-project de Rapport general de M. Niboyet. UNESCO/MRT/13. Paris, le 7 janvier 1952. [Elektronnyy resurs]
4. Boult R. A bibliography of Canadian law. Prepared for the International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation under the auspices of the International Association of Legal Science, with the support of the Canadian Association of Comparative Law and the Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre. — Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur, 1966. XII, 393 p.
5. Catalogue des sources de documentation juridique dans le monde. A register of legal documentation in the world. 2 nd ed. rev. and enl. Prepared by the International Association of Legal Science and the International Committee for Social Science Documentation. Paris: Unesco, 1953 (2 nd ed.: Paris, 1957).
6. Comité D’Organisation Pour la Creation D’Une Association Internationale de Droit Compare. Declaration. UNESCO/SS/EDC 10 (rev.). Paris, le 21 octobre 1949 [Elektronnyy resurs].
7. Comite executif provisoire pour la creation d’une Association Internationale de Droit Compare. Commission Consultative. Liste provisoire. UNESCO/SS/EDC/11. Paris, le 10 jullet 1949. 10 p. [Elektronniy resurs]
8. Comite International de Droit Compare. Compte rendu du secretaire general. UNESCO/SS/EDC/14. Paris, le 25 janvier 1950. [Elektronnyy resurs]
9. Comite International de Droit Compare. Projet de statuts. UNESCO/SS/EDC/15. Paris, le 25 janvier 1950. 4 p. [Elektronnyy resurs]
10. David R. Propositions pour l’Organization Internationale des Etudes de Droit Compare. UNESCO/SS/EDC 1. Paris, le 10 février 1949 [Elektronnyy resurs]
11. David R. What Unesco might do in the field of Comparative Law. UNESCO/Cons.Jur./1/1947. Paris, January 21st, 1947. [Elektronnyy resurs]
12. General Conference. First session. Held at Unesco House, Paris, from 20 November to 10 December 1946. Paris: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 1947. [Elektronnyy resurs]
13. Huxley J. UNESCO. Its purpose and its philosophy / Preparatory Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. London: Frederick Printing Co., Ltd., 1946.
14. International Organization of the Study of Comparative Law // International Social Science Bulletin. 1949. Vol. 1. № 1-2.
15. Kisch I. A plea for union between Institutes of Comparative Law. UNESCO/Cons.Jur./3/1947. Paris, 17th February, 1947. [Elektronnyy resurs]
16. Lambert J. Les differences de legislations nationales, causes de tensions internationales. UNESCO/SS/EDC/7. Paris, le 17 mars 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
17. Le federalisme et le developpment des ordres juridiques. Federalism and development of legal systems. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1971. 226 p.
18. Meeting of the secretaries of international associations. Survey of the work // International Social Science Bulletin. 1950. Vol. II. № 2.
19. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. UNESCO/SS/EDC/ Conf.1/SR1. Paris, 28 March 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
20. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Summary record of the second meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SR2. Paris, 18 April 1949. Annex I. Report by professor Couture on the motives underlying the recommendations of the sub-committee on tensions. [Elektronnyy resurs]
21. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Summary record of the meetings of the Sub-Commission instructed to examine the influence of the differences in national juridical systems on tensions affecting international understanding. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1.SCTEN/SR1. Paris, 13 April 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
22. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Procedure committee. Summary record of the meeting… 22 March 1949. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SCPRO/SR2. Paris, 29 March 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
23. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Procedure committee. Summary record of the first meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SC.PRO/SR1. Paris, 30 March 1949. [Elektron-nyy resurs]
24. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Summary record of the fourth plenary meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SR4. Paris, 19 April 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
25. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Sub-Committee on organization. Summary record of the second meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SCORG/SR2. Paris, 29 March 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
26. Preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association. Summary record of the third meeting. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/SR3. Paris, 14 April 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
27. Preparatory meeting of an International Comparative Law Association. UNESCO/SS/EDC/Conf.1/1. Paris, 16 March 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
28. Rapport presente par le Comite d’Organisation pour la Creation d’une Association Internationale de Droit Compare. UNESCO/SS/EDC/9. Paris, le 13 avril 1949. [Elektronnyy resurs]
29. Rapport sur le droit compare soulis a la Conference Generale de l’UNESCO (deuxieme session) tenue a Mexico en novembre 1947. UNESCO/SS/EDC/3. Paris, le 28 fevrior 1949 [Elektronnyy resurs]
30. Report of the International Association of Legal Science on the Symposium on the Legal Aspects of Peaceful Cooperation (Paris, 17-21 February 1956) UNESCO/SS/Coop/5. Paris, 11 June 1956 [Elektronnyy resurs]
31. Speech delivered on 21 march 1949 at the opening of the preparatory meeting for the establishment of an International Comparative Law Association by Mr. Jaime Torres Bodet, director-general of UNESCO // International Social Science Bulletin. 1949. Vol. I. № 1-2.
32. The International Committee of Comparative Law // International Social Sciences Bulletin. 1950. Vol. II. № 1.
33. The International Committee of Comparative Law // International Social Sciences Bulletin. 1952. Vol. IV. № 4.
34. The meeting of the secretaries of international social science associations. 15 November 1950 // International Social Science Journal. 1951. Vol. III. № 1.
35. The university teaching of social sciences: law. Report prepared by Charles Eisenmann for the International Association of Legal Science. Revised and enlarged Edition. Paris: UNESCO, 1973. (first ed. Paris, 1954).
36. The work of the International Committee of Comparative Law // International Social Sciences Journal. 1951. Vol. III. № 1.
37. UNESCO and the development of social science teaching. Progress report and analysis of regional round tables // International Social Sciences Bulletin. 1955. Vol. VII. № 1.
38. UNESCO and the social sciences // International Social Science Bulletin. 1949. Vol. I. № 1-2.
39. UNESCO promotes the creation of an International Sociological Association // International Social Science Bulletin. 1949. Vol. 1. № 1-2.
40. Why it is desirable for Unesco to possess an Organization for the study and development of Comparative Law. UNESCO/Cons.Jur./2/1947. Paris, 29th January, 1947. [Elektronnyy resurs]
41. Zajtay I. The International Association of Legal Science: its contribution to comparative law // American journal of comparative law. 1977-1978. Vol. 26.
42. Kres?n O.V. Por?vnyal'ne pravoznavstvo: v?tchiznyan? ta zarub?zhn? spets?al?zovan? tsentri dosl?dzhennya ? vikladannya: Dov?dnik / Za red. V.N. Denisova. K.: ?nstitut derzhavi ? prava ?m. V.M. Korets'kogo NAN Ukra?ni, 2005. 192 s.
43. Kres?n O.V. Pitannya kriter??v pri vivchenn? genezi por?vnyal'nogo pravoznavstva // Por?vnyal'ne pravo-znavstvo: suchasniy stan ? perspektivi rozvitku: Zb. naukovikh prats' / Za red. Yu.S. Shemshuchenka, ?.S. Gri-tsenka, M.B. Buchka; upor. O.V. Kres?n. K.: Logos, 2010. S. 20-32.
44. Koretskiy V.M. Mezhdunarodnoe khozyaystvennoe pravo i mirovoe pravo / Por?vnyal'ne pravoznavstvo:Antolog?ya ukra?ns'ko? komparativ?stiki Kh?Kh-KhKh stol?t' / Za red. O.V. Kres?na; Uporyadniki: O.V. Kres?n (ker. kol.), K.O. Chernichenko, O.V. Tkachenko. K.: ?nstitut derzhavi ? prava ?m. V.M. V.M. Korets'kogo NAN Ukra?ni; Vi-davnitstvo «Logos», 2008. S. 214-225.
45. Kres?n O.V. Naukoviy ta ts?nn?sniy potents?al por?vnyal'nogo pravoznavstva // ?vropeys'ke pravo ta por?vnyal'ne pravoznavstvo: Zb?rnik statey / Za red. Yu.S. Shemshuchenka, ?.S. Gritsenka, O.V. Kres?na; upor. O.V. Kres?n, O.D. Rozhko. Ki?v-Shambor?: Logos, 2010. S. 150-157.
46. Kres?n O.V. Problema per?odizats?? rozvitku por?vnyal'nogo pravoznavstva // Por?vnyal'ne pravoznavstvo: suchasniy stan ? perspektivi rozvitku: Zb. statey / Za red. Yu.S. Shemshuchenka, L.V. Gubers'kogo, ?.S. Gri-tsenka; upor. O.V. Kres?n. K.: Logos, 2009. S. 37-42.
47. Saidov A.Kh. Sravnitel'noe pravovedenie (osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti): Uchebnik / Pod red. V.A. Tumanova. M.: Yurist', 2003. 448 s