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Философия и культура
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П.С. Гуревич Симптом репрессированного тела

Аннотация: Viewing the problem of relation between body and consciousness the author focuses on such a sociocultural phenomenon as ‘the repressed body’. It is underlined that growing fetishism of the body in our culture reveals a deep denial of the body and everything related to it.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, history of philosophy, in, body, consciousness, corporeity, reflection, society.

Abstract: Viewing the problem of relation between body and consciousness the author focuses on such a sociocultural phenomenon as ‘the repressed body’. It is underlined that growing fetishism of the body in our culture reveals a deep denial of the body and everything related to it.


philosophy, history of philosophy, in, body, consciousness, corporeity, reflection, society.

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