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Философия и культура
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П.С. Гуревич Юбилей как повод для позора

Аннотация: Based on a few journalistic articles about provocative facts from lives of the great scientists and writers, the author of the article sharply criticizes modern journalism for concentrating on the scandalous facts of the great people’s lives. According to the author, it allows us to feel that they were simple people just like us but it certainly lowers the magnificence of their scientific discovers.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, literature, psychology, science, journalism

Abstract: Based on a few journalistic articles about provocative facts from lives of the great scientists and writers, the author of the article sharply criticizes modern journalism for concentrating on the scandalous facts of the great people’s lives. According to the author, it allows us to feel that they were simple people just like us but it certainly lowers the magnificence of their scientific discovers.


philosophy, literature, psychology, science, journalism

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