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Психология и Психотехника
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П.С. Гуревич Величие и нищета протестантского этоса

Аннотация: The author continues to study the topic of Protestant ethos. He describes Weber’s views on capitalism and Protestantism and how attitudes to labor and capital changed with time. It is underlined that there is a certain connection between distortions of ethical views on usury and modern world crisis

Ключевые слова:

ethics, Protestantism, capitalism, debtors, loaners, world crisis, speculation

Abstract: The author continues to study the topic of Protestant ethos. He describes Weber’s views on capitalism and Protestantism and how attitudes to labor and capital changed with time. It is underlined that there is a certain connection between distortions of ethical views on usury and modern world crisis


ethics, Protestantism, capitalism, debtors, loaners, world crisis, speculation

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