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Психология и Психотехника
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Т.А. Шеркова
"Черный монах" А.П.Чехова: аналитический этюд
// Психология и Психотехника.
2010. № 3.
С. 78-85.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57304
Т.А. Шеркова "Черный монах" А.П.Чехова: аналитический этюдАннотация: The idea of ‘incomplete human’ has been considered by many philosophers. In psychology of the unconscious this idea was mostly viewed by Jung and his followers. Analyzing the A. P. Chekhov’s story ‘Black Monk’ the author tries to explain what happens to a person during a spiritual crisis and whether it is a mental disease or an emotional state. Ключевые слова: Chekhov’s medical ‘story’, Chekhov’s dream about the blank monk, spiritual crisis, coming back to the pat, Andrey Kovrin’s hallucinations, James about alternative states of mind, Jung about autonomous complexes, monomania and pathological inflations, GrofAbstract: The idea of ‘incomplete human’ has been considered by many philosophers. In psychology of the unconscious this idea was mostly viewed by Jung and his followers. Analyzing the A. P. Chekhov’s story ‘Black Monk’ the author tries to explain what happens to a person during a spiritual crisis and whether it is a mental disease or an emotional state. Keywords: Chekhov’s medical ‘story’, Chekhov’s dream about the blank monk, spiritual crisis, coming back to the pat, Andrey Kovrin’s hallucinations, James about alternative states of mind, Jung about autonomous complexes, monomania and pathological inflations, Grof
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