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Кананыкина Е.С. Децентрализация и вопросы школьного обучения в нормативных актах американских штатов

Аннотация: Для современной Америки характерно уменьшение автономии региональных и местных органов управления образования, а также самих учебных заведений. Это в большей степени связано с системой финансирования. Удельный вес государственных федеральных ассигнований на нужды образования растет, но все же они до сих пор уступают тем суммам, которые выделяются штатам и учебным округам.

Ключевые слова:

обучение, управление, акты, США, школа, штаты, децентрализация, стандарт, образование

Abstract: The typical feature of modern America is the decrease of autonomy of regional and local agencies of management of education and schools. This is determined by the finances system in the first place. The share of state federal allotments for education needs is growing but at the same time they are still much lower than the sums assigned for states and educational districts.


schooling, government, acts, USA, school, states, decentralization, standard, education

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14. Campbell D., Green D. Defining the Leadership Role of School Boards in the 21st Century // Phi Delta Kappan. — 1994. — № 5.
15. Shannon T. The Changing Local Community School Board // Phi Delta Kappan. — 1994. № 5. Vol. 75.
16. Citizenship and A Free Society: Education for the Future education. Ed. By F. Patterson. — Wash. D.C., 1960.
17. Conant J. The Comprehensive schools. — N–Y., 1967.
18. Danzberger J. Governing the Nation’s Schools: The Case of Restructuring Local School Boards // Phi Delta Kappan. — 1994. –№ 5. vol. 75.
19. Danzberger J., Usdan M. Local Educational Governmence Perspectives on Problems and Strategies for change // Phi Delta Kappan. — 1994. — № 5.
20. Durlack C.M., Rose E., Bursuck W.D. Preparing high school students with learning disabilities for the transition to postsecondary education: Teaching the skills of self–determination // Journal of Learning Disabilities. — 2004. — № 27.
21. Gajar A. Postsecondary education. In F. Rusch, J. Chadsey (Eds.) Beyond high school: Transition from school to work. — Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. — 1999.
22. Graduals Principles of Secondary School. — Wash. D.C., 1978.; The Purposes of Education in American Democraticy. — Wash. D.C., 1938.
23. Getzel E.E., Stodden R.A., & Briel, R. W. (2001). Pursuing postsecondary education opportunities for individuals with disabilities. In P. Wehman (Ed.), Transition strategies for young people with disabilities. — Baltimore: Brookes. 3rd ed.
24. Goal for Americana. — Wash. D.C., 1961.
25. Lewis A. Rein venting local School Governance // Phi Delta Kappan. — 1994. № 1. vol. 75.
26. Kauffman J.M., Bantz J., Mcgullough J. Separate and Better: A special Public Scholl class for students with emotional and Behavioral Disorders // Exceptionality. — 2002. Vol. 10. — № 3.
27. Kozol J. Illiterate America. 1985.
28. National Goals for Education, US Department of Education, — Wash., D.C, 1990.
29. O’Rourke Sh. L. Integrating Preference Assessment Within the Transition Process to Create Meaningful School-to-Life Outcomes // Exceptionality. — 2001. — № 9 (3).
30. Pilpho Ch. The Changing Governance Scene // Phi Delta Kappan. — 1994. — № 1.
31. Publics’ education Under Criticism. Ed. Wilfred Scott, Clyde Hill. — N-Y., 1954.
32. Shanker A. Are School Boards on the Way Out? // The Educational Digest. — 1989. — № 5. vol. 55.
33. The Central Purpose of American Education. — Wash. D.C., 1961.
34. Wilbert H. Ahern. Assimilationist Racism: The Case of the “Friends of Indian” // The Journal of Ethnic Studies. — 1976.
35. UNESCO. Planification et gestion du development de l’education. — P., 1991.