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Философия и культура
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Круглый стол “религия и обучение”

Аннотация: the idea of opening theological faculties in universities has been widely discussed lately. Raising the issue of relations between religion and philosophy, S. Neretina, A. Ogurtsov and V. Rozin (All PhDs at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences) insisted that such an approach to science and philosophy would surely be a failure. The main principle of philosophy of education had always been, they said, the autonomy of universities from the church and government.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, religion, science, Orthodoxy, dogma.

Abstract: the idea of opening theological faculties in universities has been widely discussed lately. Raising the issue of relations between religion and philosophy, S. Neretina, A. Ogurtsov and V. Rozin (All PhDs at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences) insisted that such an approach to science and philosophy would surely be a failure. The main principle of philosophy of education had always been, they said, the autonomy of universities from the church and government.


philosophy, religion, science, Orthodoxy, dogma.

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