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Философия и культура
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Аннотация: Вслед за Августином определенный вклад в решение вопроса о человеческой свободе внес «последний римлянин» Боэций. Так же как и Августин, он подходит к рассмотрению вопроса о человеческой свободе с двух позиций ― философской и теологической. Статья А.Р. Фокина посвящена анализу позиций Боэция по вопросам свободы.

Abstract: Throughout the ages the problem of freedoms seemed to narrow down to the issue of limits to the intellectual and moral autonomy of a subject, and this is precisely the approach for the modern European thinking, based on the classical tradition, which retains its topicality for more than 2000 years. However, as the author of this article points out, the idea of correlation between freedom and responsibility began to dominate at about III century B.C., with some peculiarities of ancient thinking being taken into account… The classical Greek thought seems to provide examples of the thesis, that no autonomy and no freedom are necessary prerequisites for responsibility.

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