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Политика и Общество
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Правкин С.А. Генезис и эволюция форм крепостного права

Аннотация: Данная статья С.А. Правкина посвящена изучению видоизменяющихся правовых форм и институтов закрепощения сословий, в том числе, в контексте теории закрепощения – раскрепощения сословий С.М. Соловьева, в ней дана оценка работ В.О. Ключевского, ряда других авторов …

Abstract: This is a verbatim report of the roundtable, devoted to the issues of religious policy of the Russian Federation prior and after the incident at the synagogue at the Bolshaya Bronnaya in Moscow (when A. Koptsev attacked several people at the synagogue with a knife). The roundtable was held by the independent informational and analytical Internet media on religion “Portal-Credo.Ru” together with the Freedom of Conscience Institute, Moscow Bureau on Human Rights and the “Glastnost” Fund on February 10, 2006. Additionally, the roundtable included discussion of xenophobia in Russia and its expressions based on religious parameters.

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