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Бондарев В.Г. Social partnership as a factor in the modernization of modern Russia

Аннотация: Attention is focused on social partnership as a significant factor in the modernization of modern Russia. The author reinforces his position that wages in the context of social partnership and modernization are the determining ratio which has a significant impact on the social and partner-ship relations between labor and capital as well as on the processes of modernization conceived by the government. The reasons for the deterrence of the process of formation of social partnership and modernization, which lie in an unreasonably high rate of profit obtained by domestic capital, are disclosed. Other factors that holds back development of the institution of social partnership as a factor in the modernization are discussed. Author expresses conviction that conflict methods of interaction between capital and labor will retain their significance until the price of labor is adequate to the productive power of labor in the country.

Ключевые слова:

Political science, Modernization, Partnership, Interaction, Productivity, Conflict, Labor, Capital, Society, Profit

Abstract: Attention is focused on social partnership as a significant factor in the modernization of modern Russia. The author reinforces his position that wages in the context of social partnership and modernization are due to the determining ratio, which has a significant impact on the social and partnership relations between labour and capital, as well as on the processes of modernization conceived by the State. The reasons for the deterrence of the process of social partnership and modernization formation that lie in the unreasonably high rate of profit, obtained by domestic capital, are disclosed. Other factors that hold back the development of the institution of social partnership as a factor in the modernization are also discussed. The author expresses his conviction that conf lict methods of interaction between capital and labour will retain their significance until the price of labour becomes adequately commensurate with the productive power of labour in the country.


political science, modernization, partnership, interaction, productivity, conf lict, labour, capital, society and profit.

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1. I. Ilyin, G. Kuznetsov. Labor Productivity: Up the Down Staircase//Labor and Man, 2002, №5, P. 73.
2. Ilyin, G. Kuznetsov. Labor Productivity: Up the Down Staircase. P. 73; Socio-Economic Situation in Russia. M., 2005. P. 48.
3. S.I. Kubitski. Social partnership of the participants of the education and labor market. Abstract of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences. M., 2006. P. 17.
4. V. M. Kudryavtsev How to Ensure the Interests of Workers When Concluding a Labor Contract // Theory and practice of collective bargaining relations in modern Russia. Proceedings of the Russian scientific-practical conference. Nizhny Novgorod. 17 October 2003. Edited by Doctor of Economic Sciences A.V. Zolotov and PhD in economics O.A. Mazur. Nevinnomyssk: Publishing house of Nevinnomyssk Institute of Economics, Management and Law. 2003. P. 36 – 37.
5. D. Lvov. To Return Rent to People. M.: Eksmo Publishing House, Algorithm Publishing House, 2004.
6. Marx K. & Engels F. The Communist Manifesto/K. Marx & F. Engels Op. Second edition. State Publishing House of Political Literature, M.: Vol. 4, 1955. P. 432.
7. V. A. Mikheev. The Basics of Social Partnership. Manual for higher educational institutions. – M.: Ekzamen, 2001. P 220.
8. M. Nikolaev. Poverty Cannot be Defeated at a Stroke/Trud, 2004, 20 November.
9. Rating of countries by gross domestic product-information about the study // Electronic resource: humanitarian development in Russia and abroad. gt.market // http://gtmarket.ru/ratings/rating-countries-gdp/rating-countries-gdp-info
10. Russia Faces Aggravation of Protests. There are 100 times More Unregistered Strikes than Registered Ones // Electronic resource: Nezavisimaya Gazeta 19 February 2010. // http://www.ng.ru/economics/2010-02-19/4_protests.html .
11. S. F. Frolov Sociology: Cooperation and Conflicts / study guide. – M.: Yurist, 1997. P.133.
12. Eliasson G. The Knowledge Base Eliasson G. The Knowledge Base of an Industrial Economy. Stockholm, 1998.
1. I. Ilyin, G. Kuznetsov. Labor Productivity: Up the Down Staircase//Labor and Man, 2002, №5, P. 73.
2. Ilyin, G. Kuznetsov. Labor Productivity: Up the Down Staircase. P. 73; Socio-Economic Situation in Russia. M., 2005. P. 48.
3. S.I. Kubitski. Social partnership of the participants of the education and labor market. Abstract of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences. M., 2006. P. 17.
4. V. M. Kudryavtsev How to Ensure the Interests of Workers When Concluding a Labor Contract // Theory and practice of collective bargaining relations in modern Russia. Proceedings of the Russian scientific-practical conference. Nizhny Novgorod. 17 October 2003. Edited by Doctor of Economic Sciences A.V. Zolotov and PhD in economics O.A. Mazur. Nevinnomyssk: Publishing house of Nevinnomyssk Institute of Economics, Management and Law. 2003. P. 36 – 37.
5. D. Lvov. To Return Rent to People. M.: Eksmo Publishing House, Algorithm Publishing House, 2004.
6. Marx K. & Engels F. The Communist Manifesto/K. Marx & F. Engels Op. Second edition. State Publishing House of Political Literature, M.: Vol. 4, 1955. P. 432.
7. V. A. Mikheev. The Basics of Social Partnership. Manual for higher educational institutions. – M.: Ekzamen, 2001. P 220.
8. M. Nikolaev. Poverty Cannot be Defeated at a Stroke/Trud, 2004, 20 November.
9. Rating of countries by gross domestic product-information about the study // Electronic resource: humanitarian development in Russia and abroad. gt.market // http://gtmarket.ru/ratings/rating-countries-gdp/rating-countries-gdp-info
10. Russia Faces Aggravation of Protests. There are 100 times More Unregistered Strikes than Registered Ones // Electronic resource: Nezavisimaya Gazeta 19 February 2010. // http://www.ng.ru/economics/2010-02-19/4_protests.html .
11. S. F. Frolov Sociology: Cooperation and Conflicts / study guide. – M.: Yurist, 1997. P.133.
12. Eliasson G. The Knowledge Base Eliasson G. The Knowledge Base of an Industrial Economy. Stockholm, 1998.