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Выступление Жана-Луи Фиаменжи

Аннотация: В этом выступлении Жана-Луи Фиаменжи рассмотрена практика участия французского спецназа в международном сотрудничестве, в частности работа с коллегами из подобных подразделений других европейских стран.

Abstract: The speech of Boris Mylnikov is devoted to the topical issues of fighting terrorism at the post-Soviet territories and in the CIS states, creation of legal mechanisms, allowing to unite the powers and sources of different states to stop terrorist attacks. He introduced the Regulations on organization and realization of joint anti-terrorist operations at the territories of the CIS states, which was developed by his Center and affirmed by the Protocol by 10 CIS states (ratified by 9 states, except Georgia). He also provided information on practical implementation of the Regulations at the test exercise in Chisinau in 2004, made a number of proposals…

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