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И.В. Рачков Решение Международного суда ООН: иммунитет и всеобщая подсудность

Аннотация: An adequate system of social protection of the military personnel is of key importance for ensuring efficiency of military forces. Every state, however, has its own approach to social and legal protection of military personnel. In this article one may find analysis of the experience of the USA, Germany and France in this sphere, the author also elaborates on the issue of applicability of foreign approaches within the Russian military reform.

Abstract: An adequate system of social protection of the military personnel is of key importance for ensuring efficiency of military forces. Every state, however, has its own approach to social and legal protection of military personnel. In this article one may find analysis of the experience of the USA, Germany and France in this sphere, the author also elaborates on the issue of applicability of foreign approaches within the Russian military reform.

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