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Норбер Рулан Историческое введение в право. (Отрывок из новой книги издательства NOTA BENE)

Аннотация: This article provides us with authors’ concept of the definition of the “passport registration system”. The authors also review nature and correlation of the terms “passport system”, “passport and visa system”, “passport and registration system”, their characteristic features, positions of key legal scholars in this sphere, existing legislation and other normative acts. The article also contains analysis of the registration system, as opposed to the old “propiska” system.

Abstract: This article provides us with authors’ concept of the definition of the “passport registration system”. The authors also review nature and correlation of the terms “passport system”, “passport and visa system”, “passport and registration system”, their characteristic features, positions of key legal scholars in this sphere, existing legislation and other normative acts. The article also contains analysis of the registration system, as opposed to the old “propiska” system.

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