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Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
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Юлдашева Г. Трансформация дипломатических и консульских функций на современном этапе

Аннотация: Данное исследование посвящено вопросам трансформации традиционной дипломатии и консульских функций на современном этапе. В работе, проанализированы следующие факторы, влияющие на изменения в данной сфере: рост контроля общественности за дипломатической и консульской деятельностью государств, за счет современных возможностей СМИ и выхода на международную арену негосударственных структур участвующих на дипломатических переговорах; влияние технологического прогресса на трансформацию традиционных дипломатических функций; появление новых акторов международных отношений, практикующих новые формы дипломатии; современные тенденции трансформации консульских функций через призму новых вызовов, связанных с такими явлениями, как рост взаимных поездок граждан, природные бедствия, гражданские войны, множественное гражданство, международное трудоустройство, секс-туризм и торговля людьми и др. при подготовке статьи использовались методы контент анализа, сравнительного анализа, диалектический метод, системный метод, логический метод. Сегодня дипломатические и консульские сношения становятся сложным и глобальным явлением. Исследование этих факторов позволило сделать вывод о том, что действующая система норм дипломатического и консульского права несовершенна и не отвечает новым, современным требованиям и обусловливает усовершенствование действующих норм дипломатического и консульского права.

Ключевые слова:

дипломатия, дипломатические нормы, дипломатическая служба, дипломатические функции, консульские функции, консульская служба, консульские услуги, коммуникационные новшества, технологические новшества, сотрудничество

Abstract: This research is dedicated to the questions of transformation of the traditional diplomacy and consular functions at the modern stage. The author analyzes the following factors which affect the changes in the aforementioned sphere: increase of public control over the diplomatic and consular activity of the nations due to the modern opportunities of mass media and expanding onto the international arena of nongovernmental structures participating in the diplomatic negotiations; influence of the technological progress upon the transformation of the traditional diplomatic functions; emergence of the new actors of international relations realizing the new forms of diplomacy; as well as the modern trends of transformation of the consular functions through the prism of the new challenges associated with such phenomena as natural disasters, civil wars, multiple citizenship, international employment, sex tourism, human trafficking, etc. At the present time diplomatic and consular relations gain the status of a complicated and global phenomenon. The examination of these factors allowed making a conclusion that the current system of norms of the diplomatic and consular law is imperfect and does not meet the modern requirement, thus it substantiates the need for improvements of the existing norms of the diplomatic and consular law.


partnership, technological novelties, communication novelties, counsular affair, counsular service, counsular functions, diplomatic functions, diplomatic service, diplomatic norms, diplomacy

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1. M.Martin, An Alternative to Statecraft: A Human Security Proposal for a European External Action Service, International Policy Analysis, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, April 2009.
2. Mejdunarodnoe pravo. Uchebnik pod red. A.N.Vilegjanina. – M.: Izdatelstvo Yurayt, 2011.
3. Franz Cede, Changes in the Diplomatic Function and Their Impact on International Negotiations, The Processes of International Negotiations Program, Network Newsletter 26/2006.
4. Karen Tindall, “Governments' Ability to Assist Nationals in Disasters Abroad: What Do We Know about Consular Emergency Management?” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 20.2 (2012).
5. Xia Liping, “China's Consular Service Reformand Changesin Diplomacy,” in Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2011)
6. International Organization for Migration and Migration Policy Institute, Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners in Home and Host Countries, 2012, online: http://www.gfmd.org/documents/pfp/diasporahandbook/Diaspora_Handbook_For%20Web_17April2012.pdf
7. Canadian DFAIT, “Consular Services,” online: http://travel.gc.ca/about/assistance/consular
8. Fergus Hanson, Baked In and Wired: eDiplomacy@State, Brookings Institute, October 2012, online: http://www.brookings.edu/research/reports/2012/10/25-diplomacy-hanson
9. Donna Hamilton, “The United States Experience,” in Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2011)
10. Xia Liping, “China's Consular Service Reformand Changesin Diplomacy,” in Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2011)
11. Maaike Okano-Heijmans, “Changein Consular Assistance and the Emergence of Consular Diplomacy,” chapter 1 in Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2011)
12. DFAIT, “Further Strengthening the Canada-United Kingdom Partnership,” 24 September 2012, online: http://www.international.gc.ca/media/aff/news-communiques/2012/09/24a.aspx?lang=eng&view=d.
13. Stephanie Buus, “The People’s Home goes Gulliver: Sweden and the 2004 tsunami crisis” 1(3-4) International Journal of Tourism Anthropology (2011); Sweden and the Tsunami: Evaluation and Proposals, Swedish Tsunami Commission, Stockholm, 2005.
14. ASEAN, Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response, Work Programme for 2010-2015, online: http://www.asean.org/resources/publications/asean-publications/item/asean-agreement-on-disaster-management-and-emergency-responce-work-programme-for-2010-2015
1. M.Martin, An Alternative to Statecraft: A Human Security Proposal for a European External Action Service, International Policy Analysis, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, April 2009.
2. Mejdunarodnoe pravo. Uchebnik pod red. A.N.Vilegjanina. – M.: Izdatelstvo Yurayt, 2011.
3. Franz Cede, Changes in the Diplomatic Function and Their Impact on International Negotiations, The Processes of International Negotiations Program, Network Newsletter 26/2006.
4. Karen Tindall, “Governments' Ability to Assist Nationals in Disasters Abroad: What Do We Know about Consular Emergency Management?” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 20.2 (2012).
5. Xia Liping, “China's Consular Service Reformand Changesin Diplomacy,” in Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2011)
6. International Organization for Migration and Migration Policy Institute, Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners in Home and Host Countries, 2012, online: http://www.gfmd.org/documents/pfp/diasporahandbook/Diaspora_Handbook_For%20Web_17April2012.pdf
7. Canadian DFAIT, “Consular Services,” online: http://travel.gc.ca/about/assistance/consular
8. Fergus Hanson, Baked In and Wired: eDiplomacy@State, Brookings Institute, October 2012, online: http://www.brookings.edu/research/reports/2012/10/25-diplomacy-hanson
9. Donna Hamilton, “The United States Experience,” in Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2011)
10. Xia Liping, “China's Consular Service Reformand Changesin Diplomacy,” in Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2011)
11. Maaike Okano-Heijmans, “Changein Consular Assistance and the Emergence of Consular Diplomacy,” chapter 1 in Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2011)
12. DFAIT, “Further Strengthening the Canada-United Kingdom Partnership,” 24 September 2012, online: http://www.international.gc.ca/media/aff/news-communiques/2012/09/24a.aspx?lang=eng&view=d.
13. Stephanie Buus, “The People’s Home goes Gulliver: Sweden and the 2004 tsunami crisis” 1(3-4) International Journal of Tourism Anthropology (2011); Sweden and the Tsunami: Evaluation and Proposals, Swedish Tsunami Commission, Stockholm, 2005.
14. ASEAN, Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response, Work Programme for 2010-2015, online: http://www.asean.org/resources/publications/asean-publications/item/asean-agreement-on-disaster-management-and-emergency-responce-work-programme-for-2010-2015