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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Gurbanov R. The European Judicial Network and Eurojust as basic means of the cooperation of EU Member States in the area of criminal justice

Аннотация: This article considers the cooperation between Member States of the European Union in the area of criminal justice. Two important institutions which encourage the cooperation in the way that Member States are organized, are the European Judicial Network and Eurojust. Such aspects as the organization, the history of the creation, functions, powers and activities of Eurojust are considered. The author concludes that Eurojust, as a European Law Institute, which will provide the basis for establishing a European Prosecutor in future (Article 69 of the Lisbon Treaty), is nowadays the most advanced contributor to the cooperation of Member States in the field of criminal justice. However, the author notes that in such an area as criminal justice, where the loss of sovereignty of member states of EU is experienced the most strongly, Eurojust stays an authority, in the way EU member states’ tribunals are organized, but it is not the European supranational institution. That is why it should be considered as a tool of interaction between the tribunals of EU member states, and not as an institution controlling the interaction between the judicial authorities of Member States and the EU justice system.

Ключевые слова:

European Union, Council of Europe, Judicial network, Eurojust, Member States, criminal justice, cooperation, functions, powers, activities

Abstract: This article considers the cooperation between Member States of the European Union in the area of criminal justice. Two important institutions which encourage the cooperation in the way that Member States are organized, are the European Judicial Network and Eurojust. Such aspects as the organization, the history of the creation, functions, powers and activities of Eurojust are considered. The author concludes that Eurojust, as a European Law Institute, which will provide the basis for establishing a European Prosecutor in future (Article 69 of the Lisbon Treaty), is nowadays the most advanced contributor to the cooperation of Member States in the field of criminal justice. However, the author notes that in such an area as criminal justice, where the loss of sovereignty of member states of EU is experienced the most strongly, Eurojust stays an authority, in the way EU member states’ tribunals are organized, but it is not the European supranational institution. That is why it should be considered as a tool of interaction between the tribunals of EU member states, and not as an institution controlling the interaction between the judicial authorities of Member States and the EU justice system.


European Union, Council of Europe, Judicial network, Eurojust, Member States, criminal justice, cooperation, functions, powers, activities

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3. S. de Biolley, La coordination des enquêtes et des poursuites: la mise en place d'Eurojust, in F. Dehousse et J. Garciamartinez, "Eurojust" et la coopération judiciaire pénale, JTDE n ° 1-2004, vol. 12, p. 161-174
4. D. Flore, Actualités de droit pénal européen, Bruxelles, La Charte, 2003, p. 162 et s
5. D. Flore, D'un réseau judiciaire européen à une juridiction pénale européenne, Eurojust et l'émergence d'un système de justice pénale, in G. de Kerchove et A. Weyembergh, L'espace pénal européen: enjeux et perspectives, d. de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2002, p. 3 s
6. A. Perrodet, Étude pour un Ministère public européen, LGDJ, 2001.
1. Astapenko V. , Loysha D. Eurojust: general legal description. / / International Law and International Relations. 2005, № 1.
2. Kayumova A.R. Mechanisms for the implementation of criminal jurisdiction within the EU states forming a space of freedom, security and justice. / / International Public and Private Law. 2005, № 4.
3. S. de Biolley, La coordination des enquêtes et des poursuites: la mise en place d'Eurojust, in F. Dehousse et J. Garciamartinez, "Eurojust" et la coopération judiciaire pénale, JTDE n ° 1-2004, vol. 12, p. 161-174
4. D. Flore, Actualités de droit pénal européen, Bruxelles, La Charte, 2003, p. 162 et s
5. D. Flore, D'un réseau judiciaire européen à une juridiction pénale européenne, Eurojust et l'émergence d'un système de justice pénale, in G. de Kerchove et A. Weyembergh, L'espace pénal européen: enjeux et perspectives, d. de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2002, p. 3 s
6. A. Perrodet, Étude pour un Ministère public européen, LGDJ, 2001.