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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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Исин Уруджу Восприятие распространенного: четыре круга распространенного, воспринятого в правовой системе Турции

Аннотация: Статья посвящена двум теориям распространения научных знаний: диффузии и инфузии. В ней рассматривается и анализируется интеграция указанных научных теорий в правовую систему Турции.

Ключевые слова:

теория, практический опыт, концепции, анализ, теоретический подход, диффузия права, инфузия права.

Abstract: The article is about two theories of perception of scientific knowledge: the diffusion and the infusion. It considers with four stages of integration of abovementioned scientific theories to the legal system of Turkey.


theory, practical experience, concepts, analysis, theoretical approach, diffusion of law, infusion of law.

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1. 1. 2006/14–692; 2006/702; 8.11.2006, (2006) 32 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1902–1907.
2. 2. 2006/2–591; 2006/624; 4.10.2006 (2006) 32 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi, 1889–1901.
3. 3. 2007/1; 2007/1; 19.1.2007, (2007) 33 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi, 613–625.
4. 4. 93/4; 94/1; 28.1.1994; 20 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1994, 519.
5. 5. 93/565;94/3295;21.4.1994; 20 Yargitay Kararlari Dergis 1994, 1782.
6. 6. 94/2; 95/2;24.11.1995; 22 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1996, 165; 172.
7. 7. 94/2242; 94/7490; 10.11.1994; 20 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1995, 425 428.
8. 8. 95/145; 95/3339; 6.4.1995; 21 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1995, 911.
9. 9. 96/1;97/1; 22.2.1997; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997, 853.
10. 10. 96/2–888; 97/306; 9.4.1997; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997,1687.
11. 11. 96/5–144; 96/503; 19.6.1996; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997,168.
12. 12. 96/8022; 96/9095; 3.12.1996; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997, 617 620.
13. 13. 97/1–76; 97/114; 13.5.1997; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997, 1608 1615 1616.
14. 14. Alan Watson ‘Legal Transplant and European Private Law, Ius Commune Lectures on European Private Law: 2 (2000).
15. 15. Alan Watson “Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law”, Edinburgh, Scottish Academic Press, 1974.
16. 16. Ammerman A.J. and Cavalli-Sforza L.L. The wave of advance model for spread of agriculture in Europe”, в
17. “Transformations, Mathematical Approaches to Cultural Change// Renfrew C. and Cooke K.L. (eds), New York
18. Academic Press, 1979. P. 275–294.
19. 17. Augustus Schleicher “Die Darwinische Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft, Weimar, 1963; La Theorie de Darwin et
20. la Science du Language в Receuil de Travaux Originaux ou Traduit relatifs a L’Histoire Litterraire 1, Paris, Franck, 1968.
21. 18. Colin Renfrew “Archeology and Language: the Puzzle of Indo-European Origins”, London, Jonathan Cape, 1987,
22. pp.107, 244–248.
23. 19. Ergun Ozsunay, Medeni Hukuka Giris (Introduction to Civil Law), (5th ed. Istanbul 1986), 218.
24. 20. Esin Orucu ‘Turkey Facing the European Union – Old and New Harmonies // (2000) 25 European Law Review 57.
25. 21. Esin Orucu, ‘ Turkey’s Synthetic Legal System and Her Indigenous Socio-Culture(s) in a “Covert”Mix, in Esin Orucu
26. (ed) Mixed Legal Systems at New Frontiers, (Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing, 2010), 150–203.
27. 22. Esin Orucu, ‘A Synthetic and Hyphenated Legal Systems: The Turkish Experience’ // (2006) 1:2 The Journal of
28. Comparative Law, р. 27–47.
29. 23. Esin Orucu, ‘Conseil d’Etat: The French Layer of Turkish Administrative Law’ (2000) 49 International and Comparative
30. Law Quarterly, 679–700.
31. 24. Esin Orucu, “Law as Transposition”, (2002) 51 International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 205.
32. 25. Esin Orucu, A Theoretical Framework for Transfrontier Mobility of Law // Transfrontier Mobility of Law, Rob
33. Jagtenberg, Esin Orucu, Annie de Roo (eds), The Hague, Kluwer International, 1995, p.5.
34. 26. Everest M.Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations (Free Press, 1995 [1963]).
35. 27. F.Schauer, ‘The Politics and Incentives of Legal Transplantations’, Law and Development Paper, N2, CID Working
36. Paper N44, April 2000, Center for International Development at Harvard University (2000), available at http://www.
37. cid.harvard.edu/cidwp/044.htm.
38. 28. Gianmaria Ajani “La circulation de Modeles Juridiques Dans le Droit Post-Socialiste”, (1994) R.I.D.C. – 4, 1087–1105.
39. 29. Gunter Teubner “Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law” // Modern Law Review (MLR), 1998, v.61, pp. 11–32.
40. 30. Iohannes Schmidt, Die Verwandtschaftsverhalnisse der indogermanischen Sprachen (Weimar, Bohlau, 1872).
41. 31. Jan M Smiths “Systems Mixing and in Transition: Import and Export of Legal Models: The Dutch Experience, в
42. Euward H Hondius (ed) Netherlands Reports to the Fifteenth International Congress of Comparative Law, (Intersentia
43. Rechtswetenschappen, 1998) at 55.
44. 32. Konrad Zweigert and Heinrich Kotz, ‘An Introduction to Comparative Law (3rd ed, trans. Tony Weir, Clarendon Press,
45. 1998).
46. 33. Oliver Moreteau “The Introduction to Contamination “ // Journal of Civil Law Studies, 2010, v.3, pp. 9–15, at p.9.
47. 34. Patrick Glenn “On Common Laws” Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005.
48. 35. Pierre Giuseppe Monateri The “Weak” Law: Contaminations and Legal Cultures // Italian National Reports to the
49. XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law, Bristol,1998 Milano Giuffre editore, p.107.
50. 36. Reference Encyclopedia, Oxford Univercity Press: Oxford, 1998, p.591.
51. 37. Sacco R. Legal Formants: A Dinamic Approach to Comparative Law // 1991, 39 American Journal of Comparative Law,
52. Pp. 343, at 400, and 394, 397.
53. 38. Strang D. и Soule S. “Diffusion in Organisation and Social Movement” (1998) 24 Annual Review of Sociology, 265 at
54. 266.
55. 39. Vernon Palmer (ed) ‘Mixed Legal Systems: East and West, Ashgate Publishers. ‘Turkey’s Synthetic Civilian Tradition in
56. a ‘Covert’Mix with Islam as tradition: A New Hybridity?’.
57. 40. William Twining “Diffusion of Law: A Global Perspective” (2004) 49 Journal of Legal Pluralism 1–45 and in 2006
58. 1:2 The Journal of Comparative Law, 237–260; “Social Science and Diffusion of Law” (2005) 32 Journal of law and
59. Society, 203–40.
60. 41. Z.Derya Tarman ‘Turckey’ in Jan M.Smits (ed) Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, 2nd ed (Edward Elgar:
61. Cheltenham, 2012), 940–946 at 940.
1. 1. 2006/14–692; 2006/702; 8.11.2006, (2006) 32 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1902–1907.
2. 2. 2006/2–591; 2006/624; 4.10.2006 (2006) 32 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi, 1889–1901.
3. 3. 2007/1; 2007/1; 19.1.2007, (2007) 33 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi, 613–625.
4. 4. 93/4; 94/1; 28.1.1994; 20 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1994, 519.
5. 5. 93/565;94/3295;21.4.1994; 20 Yargitay Kararlari Dergis 1994, 1782.
6. 6. 94/2; 95/2;24.11.1995; 22 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1996, 165; 172.
7. 7. 94/2242; 94/7490; 10.11.1994; 20 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1995, 425 428.
8. 8. 95/145; 95/3339; 6.4.1995; 21 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1995, 911.
9. 9. 96/1;97/1; 22.2.1997; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997, 853.
10. 10. 96/2–888; 97/306; 9.4.1997; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997,1687.
11. 11. 96/5–144; 96/503; 19.6.1996; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997,168.
12. 12. 96/8022; 96/9095; 3.12.1996; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997, 617 620.
13. 13. 97/1–76; 97/114; 13.5.1997; 23 Yargitay Kararlari Dergisi 1997, 1608 1615 1616.
14. 14. Alan Watson ‘Legal Transplant and European Private Law, Ius Commune Lectures on European Private Law: 2 (2000).
15. 15. Alan Watson “Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law”, Edinburgh, Scottish Academic Press, 1974.
16. 16. Ammerman A.J. and Cavalli-Sforza L.L. The wave of advance model for spread of agriculture in Europe”, v
17. “Transformations, Mathematical Approaches to Cultural Change// Renfrew C. and Cooke K.L. (eds), New York
18. Academic Press, 1979. P. 275–294.
19. 17. Augustus Schleicher “Die Darwinische Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft, Weimar, 1963; La Theorie de Darwin et
20. la Science du Language v Receuil de Travaux Originaux ou Traduit relatifs a L’Histoire Litterraire 1, Paris, Franck, 1968.
21. 18. Colin Renfrew “Archeology and Language: the Puzzle of Indo-European Origins”, London, Jonathan Cape, 1987,
22. pp.107, 244–248.
23. 19. Ergun Ozsunay, Medeni Hukuka Giris (Introduction to Civil Law), (5th ed. Istanbul 1986), 218.
24. 20. Esin Orucu ‘Turkey Facing the European Union – Old and New Harmonies // (2000) 25 European Law Review 57.
25. 21. Esin Orucu, ‘ Turkey’s Synthetic Legal System and Her Indigenous Socio-Culture(s) in a “Covert”Mix, in Esin Orucu
26. (ed) Mixed Legal Systems at New Frontiers, (Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing, 2010), 150–203.
27. 22. Esin Orucu, ‘A Synthetic and Hyphenated Legal Systems: The Turkish Experience’ // (2006) 1:2 The Journal of
28. Comparative Law, r. 27–47.
29. 23. Esin Orucu, ‘Conseil d’Etat: The French Layer of Turkish Administrative Law’ (2000) 49 International and Comparative
30. Law Quarterly, 679–700.
31. 24. Esin Orucu, “Law as Transposition”, (2002) 51 International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 205.
32. 25. Esin Orucu, A Theoretical Framework for Transfrontier Mobility of Law // Transfrontier Mobility of Law, Rob
33. Jagtenberg, Esin Orucu, Annie de Roo (eds), The Hague, Kluwer International, 1995, p.5.
34. 26. Everest M.Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations (Free Press, 1995 [1963]).
35. 27. F.Schauer, ‘The Politics and Incentives of Legal Transplantations’, Law and Development Paper, N2, CID Working
36. Paper N44, April 2000, Center for International Development at Harvard University (2000), available at http://www.
37. cid.harvard.edu/cidwp/044.htm.
38. 28. Gianmaria Ajani “La circulation de Modeles Juridiques Dans le Droit Post-Socialiste”, (1994) R.I.D.C. – 4, 1087–1105.
39. 29. Gunter Teubner “Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law” // Modern Law Review (MLR), 1998, v.61, pp. 11–32.
40. 30. Iohannes Schmidt, Die Verwandtschaftsverhalnisse der indogermanischen Sprachen (Weimar, Bohlau, 1872).
41. 31. Jan M Smiths “Systems Mixing and in Transition: Import and Export of Legal Models: The Dutch Experience, v
42. Euward H Hondius (ed) Netherlands Reports to the Fifteenth International Congress of Comparative Law, (Intersentia
43. Rechtswetenschappen, 1998) at 55.
44. 32. Konrad Zweigert and Heinrich Kotz, ‘An Introduction to Comparative Law (3rd ed, trans. Tony Weir, Clarendon Press,
45. 1998).
46. 33. Oliver Moreteau “The Introduction to Contamination “ // Journal of Civil Law Studies, 2010, v.3, pp. 9–15, at p.9.
47. 34. Patrick Glenn “On Common Laws” Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005.
48. 35. Pierre Giuseppe Monateri The “Weak” Law: Contaminations and Legal Cultures // Italian National Reports to the
49. XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law, Bristol,1998 Milano Giuffre editore, p.107.
50. 36. Reference Encyclopedia, Oxford Univercity Press: Oxford, 1998, p.591.
51. 37. Sacco R. Legal Formants: A Dinamic Approach to Comparative Law // 1991, 39 American Journal of Comparative Law,
52. Pp. 343, at 400, and 394, 397.
53. 38. Strang D. i Soule S. “Diffusion in Organisation and Social Movement” (1998) 24 Annual Review of Sociology, 265 at
54. 266.
55. 39. Vernon Palmer (ed) ‘Mixed Legal Systems: East and West, Ashgate Publishers. ‘Turkey’s Synthetic Civilian Tradition in
56. a ‘Covert’Mix with Islam as tradition: A New Hybridity?’.
57. 40. William Twining “Diffusion of Law: A Global Perspective” (2004) 49 Journal of Legal Pluralism 1–45 and in 2006
58. 1:2 The Journal of Comparative Law, 237–260; “Social Science and Diffusion of Law” (2005) 32 Journal of law and
59. Society, 203–40.
60. 41. Z.Derya Tarman ‘Turckey’ in Jan M.Smits (ed) Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, 2nd ed (Edward Elgar:
61. Cheltenham, 2012), 940–946 at 940.