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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
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I.K. Asadullaev, M.I. Ilolov Contra Descartes. Antecedents and Universality of Faith and Reason

Аннотация: In this article we attempt to demonstrate the initial coherence of faith and reason that cannot exist one without the other. Faith cannot be without the perception of reason, reason is based on faith. We contemplate faith not only as a religion, but more broadly, as universal for human beings. It involves not only faith in God, the Koran, Bible or other kinds of Holy Scripts, but also faith in ideals, faith between people, states, faith in future, etc. Firstly, we concentrate on the primary universality, restricted coherence of these phenomena in the life of a human being and mankind. This has been considered a great deal; however, we are interested in the impossibility of the existence of faith without reason and reason without faith.When subjectivist, Berkley, states that only sensation exists, but not objects, he is positive about it, he believes in his primary cognition. Similarly, when dialectic materialists make claims about the objective existence of the world and objects, they have an absolute faith in their primary cognition. To prove this they use practice as a criterion of the realness of what they say. In their primary cognition they also believe, though absolutely, in the realness of this judgment. Primary cognition based on faith in the self, can be obvious, or latent, or unobvious in the form of absolute assurance. That is to say, faith, trust in the self, even in our own doubts, are primary cognition for a human being. Misfaith in the self, our own senses and judgments is based on primary trust-faith in the rightness of such an attitude to them. When Rene Descartes says: «cogito ergo sum» – «I think therefore I am «, from this epoch of new science and ever after «cogito» (think) it was believed the first reliable cognition (act of faith and mind) primary is his faith in the realness of thought, faith-cognition (initial act of mind). Often this is not acknowledged. Faith in the realness of thought, as an initial act of thought, precedes the thinking process or occurs at one time. However, if faith-cognition is concurrent, it still precedes by substance, if not by time. This logic was first introduced by Ibn Sina (Avicenna) in a different aspect.

Ключевые слова:

Contra Descartes, Faith, Reason, philosophy, theology, rationalism, universal, primary, science, religion.

Abstract: In this article we attempt to demonstrate the initial coherence of faith and reason that cannot exist one without the other. Faith cannot be without the perception of reason, reason is based on faith. We contemplate faith not only as a religion, but more broadly, as universal for human beings. It involves not only faith in God, the Koran, Bible or other kinds of Holy Scripts, but also faith in ideals, faith between people, states, faith in future, etc. Firstly, we concentrate on the primary universality, restricted coherence of these phenomena in the life of a human being and mankind. This has been considered a great deal; however, we are interested in the impossibility of the existence of faith without reason and reason without faith.When subjectivist, Berkley, states that only sensation exists, but not objects, he is positive about it, he believes in his primary cognition. Similarly, when dialectic materialists make claims about the objective existence of the world and objects, they have an absolute faith in their primary cognition. To prove this they use practice as a criterion of the realness of what they say. In their primary cognition they also believe, though absolutely, in the realness of this judgment. Primary cognition based on faith in the self, can be obvious, or latent, or unobvious in the form of absolute assurance. That is to say, faith, trust in the self, even in our own doubts, are primary cognition for a human being. Misfaith in the self, our own senses and judgments is based on primary trust-faith in the rightness of such an attitude to them. When Rene Descartes says: «cogito ergo sum» – «I think therefore I am «, from this epoch of new science and ever after «cogito» (think) it was believed the first reliable cognition (act of faith and mind) primary is his faith in the realness of thought, faith-cognition (initial act of mind). Often this is not acknowledged. Faith in the realness of thought, as an initial act of thought, precedes the thinking process or occurs at one time. However, if faith-cognition is concurrent, it still precedes by substance, if not by time. This logic was first introduced by Ibn Sina (Avicenna) in a different aspect.


Contra Descartes, Faith, Reason, philosophy, theology, rationalism, universal, primary, science, religion.

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1. Asadullaev, I. K. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and the Universal Correspondence Principle // .-2011.-10.-C. 56-62.
2. Kirsberg, I. V. Religious Studies: from Study to Science? // .-2011.-12.-C. 84-94.
3. Omelchuk, R. K. Symbolism of Faith from the Point of View of Ontological Approach // .-2011.-4.-C. 24-35.
4. Fisher, N. Kant’s ‘Morally Definite Monotheism’ With Reference to Christology (continuation) (translated by I. V. Kirsberg) // .-2013.-5.-C. 692-700. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2013.05.11.
5. Kirsberg, I. V. How to Disguise Theology as Science from the Point of View of Phenomenology // .-2012.-11.-C. 29-38.
6. Omelchuk, R. K. Methodological Prerequisites to Ontological System of Faith // .-2012.-9.-C. 120-130.
7. Omarova, Z. U. Some Aspects of Studying the Religion Phenomenon // .-2012.-10.-C. 127-132.
8. Fisher, N. Kant’s Comprehensive System of Philosophically Found Theology (translated from German by I. V. Kirsberg) // .-2013.-3.-C. 325-336. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2013.03.6.
9. Gurevich, P. S. Faith as the Basis of the World // .-2011.-2.-C. 83-90.
10. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Izbrannye philosophskie proizvedenia. Moskva: Izdatelstvo “Nauka”, 1980. Ибн Сина. Избранные философские произведения. Москва: Издательство «Наука», 1980.
11. Bertrand Russell (2004) History of western philosophy pp.511, 516-7
12. Rodis-Lewis, Geneviève (1992). "Descartes' life and the development of his philosophy". In Cottingham, John. The Cambridge Companion to Descartes. Cambridge University Press. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-521-36696-0.
13. Aristotle. Metaphysics. The work in four volumes. Vol. 1. // Moscow: “Mysl’”. – p. 431.
14. Augustine of Hippo (2008). Confessions. Chadwick, Henry transl. New York: Oxford University Press.
15. "Cartesianism (philosophy): Contemporary influences" in Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Descartes, René (1644). The Principles of Philosophy (IX). Rene Descartes “Meditationes de prima philosophia, in quibus Dei existential et animae humanae a corpore distinctio demonstrator”, 1647.
16. Gandhi, Rajmohan (2006). Gandhi: the man, his people, and the empire. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-25570-8. Retrieved 7 February 2012; Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. My Life/M. Nauka, 1969. – С. 475-476; Asadullaev I.K. Novaya Paradigma. Ontology/Dushanbe: R-graph, 2011 – С. 195.
1. Asadullaev, I. K. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and the Universal Correspondence Principle // .-2011.-10.-C. 56-62.
2. Kirsberg, I. V. Religious Studies: from Study to Science? // .-2011.-12.-C. 84-94.
3. Omelchuk, R. K. Symbolism of Faith from the Point of View of Ontological Approach // .-2011.-4.-C. 24-35.
4. Fisher, N. Kant’s ‘Morally Definite Monotheism’ With Reference to Christology (continuation) (translated by I. V. Kirsberg) // .-2013.-5.-C. 692-700. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2013.05.11.
5. Kirsberg, I. V. How to Disguise Theology as Science from the Point of View of Phenomenology // .-2012.-11.-C. 29-38.
6. Omelchuk, R. K. Methodological Prerequisites to Ontological System of Faith // .-2012.-9.-C. 120-130.
7. Omarova, Z. U. Some Aspects of Studying the Religion Phenomenon // .-2012.-10.-C. 127-132.
8. Fisher, N. Kant’s Comprehensive System of Philosophically Found Theology (translated from German by I. V. Kirsberg) // .-2013.-3.-C. 325-336. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2013.03.6.
9. Gurevich, P. S. Faith as the Basis of the World // .-2011.-2.-C. 83-90.
10. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Izbrannye philosophskie proizvedenia. Moskva: Izdatelstvo “Nauka”, 1980. Ибн Сина. Избранные философские произведения. Москва: Издательство «Наука», 1980.
11. Bertrand Russell (2004) History of western philosophy pp.511, 516-7
12. Rodis-Lewis, Geneviève (1992). "Descartes' life and the development of his philosophy". In Cottingham, John. The Cambridge Companion to Descartes. Cambridge University Press. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-521-36696-0.
13. Aristotle. Metaphysics. The work in four volumes. Vol. 1. // Moscow: “Mysl’”. – p. 431.
14. Augustine of Hippo (2008). Confessions. Chadwick, Henry transl. New York: Oxford University Press.
15. "Cartesianism (philosophy): Contemporary influences" in Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Descartes, René (1644). The Principles of Philosophy (IX). Rene Descartes “Meditationes de prima philosophia, in quibus Dei existential et animae humanae a corpore distinctio demonstrator”, 1647.
16. Gandhi, Rajmohan (2006). Gandhi: the man, his people, and the empire. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-25570-8. Retrieved 7 February 2012; Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. My Life/M. Nauka, 1969. – С. 475-476; Asadullaev I.K. Novaya Paradigma. Ontology/Dushanbe: R-graph, 2011 – С. 195.