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Л.А. Гоготишвили Философия языка Лосева и «Не-философия» языка Ларюэля

Аннотация: The first part of this publication contains the overview of F. Laruelle’s speech ‘Toward Philosophy Recognized as Modern’ and its discussion during the Russian-French seminar held in Jerusalem in March 2013. The second part contains L. A. Gogotishvili’s article ‘Losev’s Philosophy of Language and Laruelle’s Non-Philosophy of Language’. A. Losev’s and F. Laruelle’s language conceptions are compared against the problem of operational-thematic expressions in philosophy. The question about whether there is a certain cause and effect relationship between viewing the language as the central operational source and the decrease of philosophy thematism is deemed to have no solution because the linguistic operationality and direct thematism have different purposes of discursive strategies. Based on the comparison of Losev’s and Laruelle’s operational principles (clipped monism and one-sided dualism), Gogotishvili reconstructs discursive strategies established by the two philosophers.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, Laruelle, Losev, thematic invention, operationality, one-sided dualism, monism, discursive strategies, eidetic language, transcendent language.

Abstract: The first part of this publication contains the overview of F. Laruelle’s speech ‘Toward Philosophy Recognized as Modern’ and its discussion during the Russian-French seminar held in Jerusalem in March 2013. The second part contains L. A. Gogotishvili’s article ‘Losev’s Philosophy of Language and Laruelle’s Non-Philosophy of Language’. A. Losev’s and F. Laruelle’s language conceptions are compared against the problem of operational-thematic expressions in philosophy. The question about whether there is a certain cause and effect relationship between viewing the language as the central operational source and the decrease of philosophy thematism is deemed to have no solution because the linguistic operationality and direct thematism have different purposes of discursive strategies. Based on the comparison of Losev’s and Laruelle’s operational principles (clipped monism and one-sided dualism), Gogotishvili reconstructs discursive strategies established by the two philosophers.


philosophy, Laruelle, Losev, thematic invention, operationality, one-sided dualism, monism, discursive strategies, eidetic language, transcendent language.

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1. Laryuel'-Derrida-1986 — Jacques Derrida and Franzois Laruelle Controversy over the Possibility of a Science of Philosophy // Les philosophies de la diffirence, Paris: P.U.F., 1986 Translated by Ray Brassier. — http://www.onphi.net/texte-controversy-over-the-possibility-of-a-science-of-philosophy-37.html
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