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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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Шашкова А.В. Особенности современного европейского конкордатного права на примере Франции, Италии, Германии

Аннотация: Статья посвящена рассмотрению особенностей современного конкордатного права на примере нескольких западноевропейских стран. В статье рассматривается история заключения конкордатов с различными государствами Западной Европы. Кроме того, в статье дается подробный анализ действующего конкордатного права, в том числе рассматриваются положения действующих конкордатов с Францией, Италией и Федеративной Республикой Германией.

Ключевые слова:

сравнительное правоведение, международное право, конкордат, история, международный договор, международное соглашение, Ватикан, Франция, Италия, Германия

Abstract: This article deals with the issue of the current concordat law in several countries of Eastern Europe. In this article the author gives a brief historical review of the concordats with various countries of Western Europe. Moreover, the article gives a detailed analysis of the current concordat law, including provisions of the existing concordats with France, Italy, Germany.


comparative law, international law, the concordat, history, treaty, international agreement, the Vatican, France, Italy, Germany.

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1. Agreement between the Holy See and the Italian Republic. Modifications to the Lateran Concordat. Signed by the Italian Republic and the Holy See on 18 February 1984. Ratified by the Italian Parliament on 25 March 1985 //http:// www.concordatwatch.eu/showtopic.php?org_id=878&kb_header_id=39221
2. de Broglie A. Le concordat. Calmann Lévy. Paris. 1893. P. 60.
3. BVerfGE 6, 309 — Reichskonkordat. // http://www.servat.unibe.ch/dfr/bv006309.html
4. Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich (with Supplementary Protocol and Secret Supplement) July 20, 1933 //http://www.concordatwatch.eu/showkb.php?org_id=858&kb_header_id=752&kb_id=1211
5. Manhattan A. Chapter 10: Germany, the Vatican and Hitler. The Vatican in World Politics. London. 1949 //http://www. seawaves.us/na/web4/VWP.pdf
6. Messner F. État et religions en Europe. 2004. //http://www.concordatwatch.eu/showtopic.php?kb_header_ id=2281&org_id=858&infoXpg=2
7. Napoleon I (Bonapart), Catholic Encyclopedia. Volume 10. Catholic Encyclopedia. Robert Appleton Company New York, NY. 1911 // http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10687a.htm
8. The Concordat of 1801. Signed the 26th of Messidor in Year 9 of the French Republic [15 July 1801] and ratified the 23rd of Fructidor [10 September 1801] //http://www.concordatwatch.eu/showkb.php?org_id=867&kb_header_ id=826&order=kb_rank%20ASC&kb_id=1496
9. Urteil des Zweiten Senats vom 26. März 1957, Az. 2 BvG 1/55.//http://www.servat.unibe.ch/dfr/bv006309.html (последнее посещение 01.01.2012).
10. Постановление ЕСПЧ от 18.03.2011по делу Lautsi and others v. Italy (жалоба N 30814/06)
1. Agreement between the Holy See and the Italian Republic. Modifications to the Lateran Concordat. Signed by the Italian Republic and the Holy See on 18 February 1984. Ratified by the Italian Parliament on 25 March 1985 //http:// www.concordatwatch.eu/showtopic.php?org_id=878&kb_header_id=39221
2. de Broglie A. Le concordat. Calmann Lévy. Paris. 1893. P. 60.
3. BVerfGE 6, 309 — Reichskonkordat. // http://www.servat.unibe.ch/dfr/bv006309.html
4. Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich (with Supplementary Protocol and Secret Supplement) July 20, 1933 //http://www.concordatwatch.eu/showkb.php?org_id=858&kb_header_id=752&kb_id=1211
5. Manhattan A. Chapter 10: Germany, the Vatican and Hitler. The Vatican in World Politics. London. 1949 //http://www. seawaves.us/na/web4/VWP.pdf
6. Messner F. État et religions en Europe. 2004. //http://www.concordatwatch.eu/showtopic.php?kb_header_ id=2281&org_id=858&infoXpg=2
7. Napoleon I (Bonapart), Catholic Encyclopedia. Volume 10. Catholic Encyclopedia. Robert Appleton Company New York, NY. 1911 // http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10687a.htm
8. The Concordat of 1801. Signed the 26th of Messidor in Year 9 of the French Republic [15 July 1801] and ratified the 23rd of Fructidor [10 September 1801] //http://www.concordatwatch.eu/showkb.php?org_id=867&kb_header_ id=826&order=kb_rank%20ASC&kb_id=1496
9. Urteil des Zweiten Senats vom 26. März 1957, Az. 2 BvG 1/55.//http://www.servat.unibe.ch/dfr/bv006309.html (poslednee poseshchenie 01.01.2012).
10. Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 18.03.2011po delu Lautsi and others v. Italy (zhaloba N 30814/06)