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Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
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М. Ю. Ижиков Конвенционные органы в системе защиты прав человека: некоторые проблемы и пути их решения

Аннотация: В статье рассмотрена система конвенционных органов, учрежденных универсальными договорами о защите прав человека. Исследуя их деятельность, автор выделяет проблемы данной системы, препятствующие наиболее эффективной защите прав личности на международном уровне. Такими проблемами автор видит игнорирование государствами своей обязанности представлять периодические доклады, дублирование и противоречия в работе комитетов, длительность процедур рассмотрения жалоб и т.д. Пытаясь решить эти и другие проблемы, конвенционные органы вырабатывают некоторые меры, в том числе используют процедуры раннего предупреждения и незамедлительных действий, принимают замечания (рекомендации) общего порядка, выносят государствам конкретные предписания о способах восстановления нарушенных прав заявителей, борются со слишком широкими оговорками к конвенциям, привлекают к своей работе правозащитные органи- зации разных уровней. Перечисленные меры автор считает недостаточными. Изучив предложение Верховного комиссара ООН по правам человека о реформировании конвенционных органов, автор формулирует альтернативное предложение о повышении эффективности данной системы.

Ключевые слова:

международное право, права, человека, комитеты, конвенционные, органы, реформирование, доклады, проблемы, защита.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the system of conventional bodies, as established by the universal treaties on protection of human rights. Having studied their activities, the author singles out the problems of these systems, which diminish the effi ciency of protection of human rights at the international level. In the author’s point of view such problems include the states ignoring their obligations on periodic reporting, doubling, contradictions in the work of the committees, lengthy procedures for the review of claims and complaints, etc. Trying to solve these various problems, the conventional bodies develop some measures, including early prevention and immediate action, they pass general resolutions, provide the states with the specifi c prescriptions on the ways to restore the violated rights of claimants, they fi ght the overbroad exceptions to the conventions, involve into their work various law-protecting organizations. However, the author considers these measures insuffi cient Having studied the proposition of the High Commissioner of the UN on Human Rights, the author formulates the alternative proposal for the enhancement of the effi ciency of this system.


international law, rights, human, committees, conventional, bodies, reform, reports, problems, protection.

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23. Raluca David. Comparative Study of Three International Human Rights Systems and their Enforcement
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26. Schmid Evelyne. A few Comments on a Comment: The UN Human Rights Committee’s General Comment
27. №32 on Article 14 of the ICCPR and the Question of Civilians Tried by Military Courts // The International
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29. Van Bueren Geraldine. The Committee on the Rights of the Child in Langford. London // SSRN.COM:
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32. Weissbrodt D., Hansen J. C., Nesbitt N.H. The Role of the Committee on the Rights of the Child in
33. Interpreting and Developing International Humanitarian Law // Harvard Human Rights Journal. 2011.
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3. Alston, Ph., Simma, B. First session of the UN Committee on economic, social and cultural rights //
4. American journal of international law. 1987. vol. 81, №3. P. 747–756.
5. Antkowiak T.M. Remedial Approaches to Human Rights Violations: The Inter-American Court of Human
6. Rights and Beyond // Columbia journal of transnational law. 2008. vol. 46, №2. P. 351–419.
7. Burns Peter, Okafor Obiora. The United Nations Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman
8. or Degrading Treatment or Punishment or How It Is Still Better to Lights a Candle than to Curse the
9. Darkness // Otago Law Review. 1998. vol. 9, №2. P. 399–432.
10. Krause Catarina, Scheinin Martin. International Protection of Human Rights: A Textbook. Turku: Institute
11. for Human Rights, Ebo Akademi University, 2009. 677 p.
12. Lyon Beth. Discourse in Development: A post-colonial “agenda” for the United Nations Committee on
13. economic, social and cultural rights // Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law. 2002. vol. 10, №3.
14. P. 535–579.
15. McCallum Ron. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Some
16. Refl ections // SSRN.COM: Social Science Research Network. 2010. URL: http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=
17. 1563883 (data obrashcheniya: 09.02.2012).
18. Michalska, A. Interpretation of the International covenant on civil and political rights in the light of
19. reports of the Human rights committee // Polish yearbook of international law. 1986. №15. P. 45–70.
20. Otto Dianne. “Gender Comment”: Why does the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
21. need a General Comment on Women? // SSRN.COM: Social Science Research Network. 2002. URL:
22. http://ssrn.com/abstract_id=319202.
23. Raluca David. Comparative Study of Three International Human Rights Systems and their Enforcement
24. Mechanisms // SSRN.COM: Social Science Research Network. 2009. URL: http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=
25. 1566495 (data obrashcheniya: 09.02.2012).
26. Schmid Evelyne. A few Comments on a Comment: The UN Human Rights Committee’s General Comment
27. №32 on Article 14 of the ICCPR and the Question of Civilians Tried by Military Courts // The International
28. Journal of Human Rights. 2010. vol. 14, №7. P. 1058–1071.
29. Van Bueren Geraldine. The Committee on the Rights of the Child in Langford. London // SSRN.COM:
30. Social Science Research Network. 2009. URL: http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=1449192 (data obrashcheniya:
31. 09.02.2012).
32. Weissbrodt D., Hansen J. C., Nesbitt N.H. The Role of the Committee on the Rights of the Child in
33. Interpreting and Developing International Humanitarian Law // Harvard Human Rights Journal. 2011.
34. vol. 24, №1. P. 115–153.