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Философия и культура
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П.С. Гуревич Из чего складывается духовная культура общества?

Аннотация: In his column the editor-in-chief discusses spiritual culture of the society and its elements. The author defines spirituality as one’s ability to experience high feelings, adore the depth and power of human thought, feel love for his Motherland and create and put into life his ideals. At the same time, spiritual culture of the society consists of such elements as our values and relics.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, culture, society, spirituality, spiritual culture of the society, values, relics.

Abstract: In his column the editor-in-chief discusses spiritual culture of the society and its elements. The author defines spirituality as one’s ability to experience high feelings, adore the depth and power of human thought, feel love for his Motherland and create and put into life his ideals. At the same time, spiritual culture of the society consists of such elements as our values and relics.


philosophy, culture, society, spirituality, spiritual culture of the society, values, relics.

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