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Национальная безопасность / nota bene
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Памяти Гюнтера Хайне

Аннотация: The article contains description of life and scientifi c achievements of the renown German scientist in the sphere of criminal law, member of the Board of Editors of the “National Security” journal, Professor Gunter Heine. The publication of the article relates to the anniversary of his death.

Ключевые слова:

jurisprudence, law, responsibility, criminal law, environmental law, crime, legal entities, administrative law, cooperation.

Abstract: The article contains description of life and scientifi c achievements of the renown German scientist in the sphere of criminal law, member of the Board of Editors of the “National Security” journal, Professor Gunter Heine. The publication of the article relates to the anniversary of his death.


jurisprudence, law, responsibility, criminal law, environmental law, crime, legal entities, administrative law, cooperation.

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