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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Ясна Омежек Новые европейские конституции переходного периода и преобразующая роль конституционных судов

Аннотация: В статье описываются общие характеристики конституций стран постсоциалистической и посткоммунистической Европы, принятые после обретения ими независимости, и называет их новыми европейскими переходными конституциями. Анализируется глубокий раскол, существующий между идеалом, прописанным в конституциях, и реальными условиями, существующими в постсоциалистических и посткоммунистических обществах. Автор доказывает, что, появление и чрезвычайная эскалация институциональной конституционной юрисдикции обусловлены объективной необходимостью и что конституционные суды играют преобразующую роль в европейских постсоциалистических и посткоммунистических государствах.

Ключевые слова:

конституция, конституционный суд, наследие прошлого, переходное государство, посткоммунистическое государство, общее европейское наследие

Abstract: In this article the author analyses the shared characteristics of the constitutions that post-socialist and postcommunist European states adopted after they gained independence and calls them the new European transition constitutions. The author analyses the deep rift that appeared and still exists between the ideal that was written down in the new transition constitutions and the real conditions that exist in post-socialist and post-communist societies. She proves that the appearance and the amazing escalation of institutional constitutional judicature in post-socialist and post-communist European states resulted from the objective need for that and that constitutional courts have a transformative role in European post-socialist and post-communist states.


constitution, constitutional court, heritage of the past, transition state, post-communist state, common European heritage.

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1. Ackerman, В. «Essay: The Rise of World Constitutionalism», Virginia Law Review. Vol. 83. No. 4 (May 1997). 771-797.
2. Albi, A. «Selected EU Judgments by CEE Constitutional Courts: Lessons on How (Not) to Amend Constitutions?» Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy — CYELP, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. Vol. 3 (2007). 39-58.
3. Arnold, R. «Ustavi, ustavni sudovi i tumacenje ustava na presjeku prava i politike (referat)» (Constitutions, Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Interpretation on the Junction of Law and Politics /paper/), Regional Conference of Constitutional Judges Ustavno sudstvo и teoriji i praksi (Constitutional Justice in Theory and Practice). Belgrade, 27-28 October 2009 (unpublished, archives of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia).
4. Arnold, R. «The Emergence of European Constitutional Law», Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, Nederlandse Ve’reniging Voor Rechtsvergelijking/EJCL Netherlands Comparative Law Association. Vol. 11. No. 3 (December 2007), www.ejcl.org/
5. Bachof, O. Wege zum Rechtsstaat, Konigstein: Athenaum Verlag, 1979.
6. Bacic, A. “Ustavne promjene i dileme konstitucionalizma” (Constitutional Amendmanets and the Dilemmas of Constitutionalism). Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta и Splitu, god. 46, br. 4 (2009), 649-666.
7. Bacic, A. «Zahtjevi konstitucionalizma, pitanje interpretacije i Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske» (The Demands of Constitutionalism, the Question of Interpretation and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia). Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta и Splitu, god. 3 5, br. 1-2(1998), 69-85.
8. Balik, S. «A Brief History of the Constitutional Court of the Czech and Czechoslovak Republic and its Role in Upholding the Rule of Law» (report), Conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the Constituti6n of Azerbaijan Role of the Constitution in Building a State Governed by the Rule of Law, organized by the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic in co-operation with the Venice Commission. Baku, Azerbaijan, 11-12 November 2005.
9. Blichner, L.C., Molander, A. What is juridiftcation? ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo, Working Paper Series. No. 14 (March 2005), www.arena.uio.no/publications/ working-papers2005/papers/ wp05_14.pdf
10. Calliess, C. “Europe as Transnational Law — The Transnationalization of Values by European Law”, German Law Journal. Vol 10. No. 10(2009). 1367-1382.
11. Calvert R.L.; Johnson, J. Interpretation and Coordination in Constitutional Politics, W. Allen Wallis Institute of Political Economy, University of Rochester, Working Paper No. 15 (July 1998), www.wallis.rochester.edu/ WallisPapers/wallis_15.pdf
12. Currie, D.P. “Republication — Separation of Powers in the Federal Republic of Germany”, German Law Journal. Vol. 9. No. 12(1. 12. 2008.). 2113-2178.
13. Dimitrijevic, N. Ustavna demokratija shvacena kontekstualno (Constitutional Democracy Understood in Context), Edicija REC, Beograd: Fabrika knjiga, 2007.
14. Dworkin, R. A Matter of Principle, Harvard University Press, 1985.
15. Gozler, K. Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments: A Comparative Study, Ekin Press, Bursa, 2008. (electronic edition: www.anayasa.gen.tr/jrca-3.htm).
16. Guerra, L.L. “Constitutional Review and Democracy — Constitutional Courts and the Legislative Process” (report), Seminar on Strengthening of the Principles of a Democratic State Ruled by Law in the Republic of Belarus by way of Constitutional Control, Minsk, Belarus, 26-27 June 2003, Venice Commission, CDL-JU (2003) 24, Strasbourg, 15 July 2003.
17. Guerra, L.L. “The Role of the Constitutional Court in the Consolidation of the Rule of Law” (proceedings of the European Commission for Democracy through Law UniDem Seminar organised in Bucharest on 8-10 June 1994 in co-operation with the Romanian Constitutional Coun with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania), Collection Science and Technique of Democracy No 10, European Commission for Democracy through Law, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 1994.
18. Halmai, G. The Reform of Constitutional Law in Hungary after the Transition, Legal Studies, The Society of Legal Scholars, Volume 18, Issue 2 (1998), 188-196.
19. Haberle, P. “Role and Impact of Constitutional Courts in a Comparative Perspective”, in: Ingolf Pernice/Juliane Kokott/ Cheryl Saunders (eds.): The Future of the European Judicial System in a Comparative Perspective, (ECLN Conference Berlin 2005), European Constitutional Law Network Series. Vol. 6. NOMOS Verlag, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2006.
20. Heifer, L.R. “Redesigning the European Court of Human Rights: Embeddedness as a Deep Structural Principle of the European Human Rights Regime”, European Journal of International Law — EJIL. Vol. 19. No. 1 (2008). 125-159.
21. Hoffmann-Riem, W. “Two Hundred Years of Marbury v. Madison: The Struggle for Judicial Review of Constitutional Questions in the United States and Europe”, German Law Journal. Vol. 5. No. 6 (2004). 685-701.
22. Klingsberg, E. “Judicial Review and Hungary’s Transition from Communism to Democracy: The Constitutional Court, the Continuity of Law, and the Redefinition of Property Rights”, Brigham Young University Law Review, 41 (1992), http://lawreview.byu.edu/ archives/1992/1/ kli.pdf
23. Klingsberg, E. Hungary: “Safeguarding the Transition”, East European Constitutional Review. Vol. 2. No. 2 (Spring 1993). 44-48.
24. Letsas, G. A Theory of Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
25. Mucha, J. “Political Questions in the Case-Law of the Czech Constitutional Court” (report), Symposium Politics and Law in Constitutional Adjudication-from the Political Questions Doctrine to Judicial Politics, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Hungary and the Venice Commission, Budapest, November 24, 2009 (unpublished, archives of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia)
26. Report on Constitutional Amendment, adopted by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) at its 81st Plenary Session (Venice, 11-12 December 2009), Study No. 469/2008, CDL-AD(2010)001, Strasbourg, 19 January 2010.
27. Roosma, P. “Constitutional Review in Estonia: Procedural Questions and their Practical Implications” (report), Seminar on Constitutional Control: Basic Problems of Legal Proceedings, Organisation and Practice (Batumi, 3-4 June 2002), Venice Commission, CDL-JU (2002) 32, Strasbourg, 14 June 2002.
28. Sajo, A. “Constitutional sentiments”, Acta Juridica Hungarica, Publisher Akademiai Kiado, Volume 47, Number 1 / March 2006, 1-13, www.law.berkeley.edu/institutes/csls/Sajo%20paper.pdf
29. Saiz A.A. “Techniques of Constitutional Interpretation by the European Constitutional Courts” (report), Workshop on Principles of Constitutional Control, Techniques of Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation, Kyiv, 5-6 June 1998, organised by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, ARD/CHECCHI and the Venice Commission, Venice Commission, CDL-JU(1998)024e-restr, Strasbourg, 2 June 1998.
30. Sakwa, R. “The Struggle for the Constitution in Russia and the Triumph of Ethical Individualism”, Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 48. No. 2/4, Conceptions of Legality and Ethics in Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century Russian Thought (September 1996). 115-157.
31. Sauve, J-M. “Rad i utjecaj francuskog Drzavnog savjeta” (predavanje) (The Work and the Influence of the French Council of State /lecture/), International Seminar Prema modernoj upravi, tradicije i tranzicije (Towards a Modern Administration, Traditions and Transitions), Split University.
32. University Paris II and Centre for European Studies and Documentation Pariz II, Split 22-23 October 2007 (unpublished, archives of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia)
33. Schorkopf, F.; Walter, C. “Elements of Constitutionalization: Multilevel Structures of Human Rights Protection in General International and WTO-Law”, German Law Journal. Vol. 4. No. 12 (2003). 1359-1374.
34. Schwartz, H. The Struggle for Constitutional Justice in Post-Communist Europe, The University of Chicago Press, 2000.
35. Stone Sweet, A. “On the Constitutionalisation of the Convention: The European Court of Human Rights as a Constitutional Court”, Revue trimestrielle des droits de I’homme. Vol. 80 (2009). 923-944.
36. Stone Sweet, A. “The Juridical Coup d’Etat and the Problem of Authority”, German Law Journal-Special Issue on Stone Sweet. Vol. 8. No. 10 (October 2007), 915-928.
37. Sarcevic, E, Ustavno uredenje Savezne Republike Njemacke. Uvod и njemacko drzavno pravo (sa izvornim tekstom Ustava i prijevodom na bosanski jezik) (The Constitutional Order of the Federal Republic of Germany /with the original text of the Constitution and its Translation into the Bosnian Language/)/ edited by Mustafa M. Kapidzic / KULT/B Sarajevo, Foundation Heinrich Boll-Regional Office in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 2005.
38. Ustavni sud и zastiti ljudskih prava: interpretativna uloga ustavnog suda (The Constitutional Court in the Protection of Human Rights: the Interpretative Role of the Constitutional Court), Biblioteka Pravo; 24, editors Jadranko Crnic, Nikola Filipovic, Hrvatski pravni centar-Organizator-Hrvatski institut za ljudska prava Novi Vinodolski. Zagreb, 2000.
39. Зорькин В.Д. Современный мир, право и Конституция. Изд-во НОРМА. М., 2010.
40. Зорькин В.Д. “Кризис доверия и государство. Конституционные нормы и законы не должны вступать в жест-кое противоречие с реальностью”. Российская газета — Федеральный выпуск № 4887 от 10 апреля 2009 г., www.rg.ru/2009/04/10/zorkin.htm
1. Ackerman, V. «Essay: The Rise of World Constitutionalism», Virginia Law Review. Vol. 83. No. 4 (May 1997). 771-797.
2. Albi, A. «Selected EU Judgments by CEE Constitutional Courts: Lessons on How (Not) to Amend Constitutions?» Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy — CYELP, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. Vol. 3 (2007). 39-58.
3. Arnold, R. «Ustavi, ustavni sudovi i tumacenje ustava na presjeku prava i politike (referat)» (Constitutions, Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Interpretation on the Junction of Law and Politics /paper/), Regional Conference of Constitutional Judges Ustavno sudstvo i teoriji i praksi (Constitutional Justice in Theory and Practice). Belgrade, 27-28 October 2009 (unpublished, archives of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia).
4. Arnold, R. «The Emergence of European Constitutional Law», Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, Nederlandse Ve’reniging Voor Rechtsvergelijking/EJCL Netherlands Comparative Law Association. Vol. 11. No. 3 (December 2007), www.ejcl.org/
5. Bachof, O. Wege zum Rechtsstaat, Konigstein: Athenaum Verlag, 1979.
6. Bacic, A. “Ustavne promjene i dileme konstitucionalizma” (Constitutional Amendmanets and the Dilemmas of Constitutionalism). Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta i Splitu, god. 46, br. 4 (2009), 649-666.
7. Bacic, A. «Zahtjevi konstitucionalizma, pitanje interpretacije i Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske» (The Demands of Constitutionalism, the Question of Interpretation and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia). Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta i Splitu, god. 3 5, br. 1-2(1998), 69-85.
8. Balik, S. «A Brief History of the Constitutional Court of the Czech and Czechoslovak Republic and its Role in Upholding the Rule of Law» (report), Conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the Constituti6n of Azerbaijan Role of the Constitution in Building a State Governed by the Rule of Law, organized by the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic in co-operation with the Venice Commission. Baku, Azerbaijan, 11-12 November 2005.
9. Blichner, L.C., Molander, A. What is juridiftcation? ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo, Working Paper Series. No. 14 (March 2005), www.arena.uio.no/publications/ working-papers2005/papers/ wp05_14.pdf
10. Calliess, C. “Europe as Transnational Law — The Transnationalization of Values by European Law”, German Law Journal. Vol 10. No. 10(2009). 1367-1382.
11. Calvert R.L.; Johnson, J. Interpretation and Coordination in Constitutional Politics, W. Allen Wallis Institute of Political Economy, University of Rochester, Working Paper No. 15 (July 1998), www.wallis.rochester.edu/ WallisPapers/wallis_15.pdf
12. Currie, D.P. “Republication — Separation of Powers in the Federal Republic of Germany”, German Law Journal. Vol. 9. No. 12(1. 12. 2008.). 2113-2178.
13. Dimitrijevic, N. Ustavna demokratija shvacena kontekstualno (Constitutional Democracy Understood in Context), Edicija REC, Beograd: Fabrika knjiga, 2007.
14. Dworkin, R. A Matter of Principle, Harvard University Press, 1985.
15. Gozler, K. Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments: A Comparative Study, Ekin Press, Bursa, 2008. (electronic edition: www.anayasa.gen.tr/jrca-3.htm).
16. Guerra, L.L. “Constitutional Review and Democracy — Constitutional Courts and the Legislative Process” (report), Seminar on Strengthening of the Principles of a Democratic State Ruled by Law in the Republic of Belarus by way of Constitutional Control, Minsk, Belarus, 26-27 June 2003, Venice Commission, CDL-JU (2003) 24, Strasbourg, 15 July 2003.
17. Guerra, L.L. “The Role of the Constitutional Court in the Consolidation of the Rule of Law” (proceedings of the European Commission for Democracy through Law UniDem Seminar organised in Bucharest on 8-10 June 1994 in co-operation with the Romanian Constitutional Coun with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania), Collection Science and Technique of Democracy No 10, European Commission for Democracy through Law, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 1994.
18. Halmai, G. The Reform of Constitutional Law in Hungary after the Transition, Legal Studies, The Society of Legal Scholars, Volume 18, Issue 2 (1998), 188-196.
19. Haberle, P. “Role and Impact of Constitutional Courts in a Comparative Perspective”, in: Ingolf Pernice/Juliane Kokott/ Cheryl Saunders (eds.): The Future of the European Judicial System in a Comparative Perspective, (ECLN Conference Berlin 2005), European Constitutional Law Network Series. Vol. 6. NOMOS Verlag, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2006.
20. Heifer, L.R. “Redesigning the European Court of Human Rights: Embeddedness as a Deep Structural Principle of the European Human Rights Regime”, European Journal of International Law — EJIL. Vol. 19. No. 1 (2008). 125-159.
21. Hoffmann-Riem, W. “Two Hundred Years of Marbury v. Madison: The Struggle for Judicial Review of Constitutional Questions in the United States and Europe”, German Law Journal. Vol. 5. No. 6 (2004). 685-701.
22. Klingsberg, E. “Judicial Review and Hungary’s Transition from Communism to Democracy: The Constitutional Court, the Continuity of Law, and the Redefinition of Property Rights”, Brigham Young University Law Review, 41 (1992), http://lawreview.byu.edu/ archives/1992/1/ kli.pdf
23. Klingsberg, E. Hungary: “Safeguarding the Transition”, East European Constitutional Review. Vol. 2. No. 2 (Spring 1993). 44-48.
24. Letsas, G. A Theory of Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
25. Mucha, J. “Political Questions in the Case-Law of the Czech Constitutional Court” (report), Symposium Politics and Law in Constitutional Adjudication-from the Political Questions Doctrine to Judicial Politics, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Hungary and the Venice Commission, Budapest, November 24, 2009 (unpublished, archives of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia)
26. Report on Constitutional Amendment, adopted by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) at its 81st Plenary Session (Venice, 11-12 December 2009), Study No. 469/2008, CDL-AD(2010)001, Strasbourg, 19 January 2010.
27. Roosma, P. “Constitutional Review in Estonia: Procedural Questions and their Practical Implications” (report), Seminar on Constitutional Control: Basic Problems of Legal Proceedings, Organisation and Practice (Batumi, 3-4 June 2002), Venice Commission, CDL-JU (2002) 32, Strasbourg, 14 June 2002.
28. Sajo, A. “Constitutional sentiments”, Acta Juridica Hungarica, Publisher Akademiai Kiado, Volume 47, Number 1 / March 2006, 1-13, www.law.berkeley.edu/institutes/csls/Sajo%20paper.pdf
29. Saiz A.A. “Techniques of Constitutional Interpretation by the European Constitutional Courts” (report), Workshop on Principles of Constitutional Control, Techniques of Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation, Kyiv, 5-6 June 1998, organised by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, ARD/CHECCHI and the Venice Commission, Venice Commission, CDL-JU(1998)024e-restr, Strasbourg, 2 June 1998.
30. Sakwa, R. “The Struggle for the Constitution in Russia and the Triumph of Ethical Individualism”, Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 48. No. 2/4, Conceptions of Legality and Ethics in Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century Russian Thought (September 1996). 115-157.
31. Sauve, J-M. “Rad i utjecaj francuskog Drzavnog savjeta” (predavanje) (The Work and the Influence of the French Council of State /lecture/), International Seminar Prema modernoj upravi, tradicije i tranzicije (Towards a Modern Administration, Traditions and Transitions), Split University.
32. University Paris II and Centre for European Studies and Documentation Pariz II, Split 22-23 October 2007 (unpublished, archives of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia)
33. Schorkopf, F.; Walter, C. “Elements of Constitutionalization: Multilevel Structures of Human Rights Protection in General International and WTO-Law”, German Law Journal. Vol. 4. No. 12 (2003). 1359-1374.
34. Schwartz, H. The Struggle for Constitutional Justice in Post-Communist Europe, The University of Chicago Press, 2000.
35. Stone Sweet, A. “On the Constitutionalisation of the Convention: The European Court of Human Rights as a Constitutional Court”, Revue trimestrielle des droits de I’homme. Vol. 80 (2009). 923-944.
36. Stone Sweet, A. “The Juridical Coup d’Etat and the Problem of Authority”, German Law Journal-Special Issue on Stone Sweet. Vol. 8. No. 10 (October 2007), 915-928.
37. Sarcevic, E, Ustavno uredenje Savezne Republike Njemacke. Uvod i njemacko drzavno pravo (sa izvornim tekstom Ustava i prijevodom na bosanski jezik) (The Constitutional Order of the Federal Republic of Germany /with the original text of the Constitution and its Translation into the Bosnian Language/)/ edited by Mustafa M. Kapidzic / KULT/B Sarajevo, Foundation Heinrich Boll-Regional Office in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 2005.
38. Ustavni sud i zastiti ljudskih prava: interpretativna uloga ustavnog suda (The Constitutional Court in the Protection of Human Rights: the Interpretative Role of the Constitutional Court), Biblioteka Pravo; 24, editors Jadranko Crnic, Nikola Filipovic, Hrvatski pravni centar-Organizator-Hrvatski institut za ljudska prava Novi Vinodolski. Zagreb, 2000.
39. Zor'kin V.D. Sovremennyy mir, pravo i Konstitutsiya. Izd-vo NORMA. M., 2010.
40. Zor'kin V.D. “Krizis doveriya i gosudarstvo. Konstitutsionnye normy i zakony ne dolzhny vstupat' v zhest-koe protivorechie s real'nost'yu”. Rossiyskaya gazeta — Federal'nyy vypusk № 4887 ot 10 aprelya 2009 g., www.rg.ru/2009/04/10/zorkin.htm