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Филология: научные исследования
Правильная ссылка на статью:

П.С. Гуревич «Не дай мне Бог сойти с ума...(О безумии поэтов и их героев»)

Аннотация: The author discusses the concept of psychological norm from the point of view of various ‘psychiatric’ studies of great writers and personalities. Autistic Pushkin, psychotic Jesus Christ, schizophrenic Franz Kafka and Salvador Dali… As the author of the article notes, there is a dangerous tendency to view the inner world of the human in a light of psychiatry.

Ключевые слова:

philology, philosophy, psychology, poetry, insanity, psyche.

Abstract: The author discusses the concept of psychological norm from the point of view of various ‘psychiatric’ studies of great writers and personalities. Autistic Pushkin, psychotic Jesus Christ, schizophrenic Franz Kafka and Salvador Dali… As the author of the article notes, there is a dangerous tendency to view the inner world of the human in a light of psychiatry.


philology, philosophy, psychology, poetry, insanity, psyche.

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