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Национальная безопасность / nota bene
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Ю. П. Липунцов Управление данными электронного государства

Аннотация: Архитектуру электронного правительства можно представить как совокупность четырех слоев: слоя бизнес процессов, слоя данных, приложения и технологии. Более грубое представление архитектуры электронного правительства (ЭП) предполагает деление на модели реального мира и модели технологий. Эти две группы моделей находятся в зоне ответственности разных подразделений организации: модели реального мира в зоне ответственности подразделений выполняющих основные функции органов государственной власти, а технологические модели в зоне ответственности отдела информационных технологий.

Ключевые слова:

Экономика, безопасность, архитектура, правительство, данные, государство, технологии, модель, власть, информация

Abstract: The architecture of e-government can be represented as a set of four layers: a layer of business processes, the data layer, application and technology. More than a rough idea of e-government architecture (EP) involves division by the model of the real world and models of technology. These two groups of models are in the area of responsibility of different departments of the organization: a model of the real world in the area of responsibility units perform the basic functions of public authorities, and technological models in the area of responsibility of Information Technology.


security, state, government, power, information technology.

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6. Л. Черняк Интеграция данных: синтаксис и семантика «Открытые системы», №10, 2009
7. Giordano Anthony David, Data Integration Blueprint and Modeling Techniques for a Scalable and Sustainable
8. Architecture IBM Press 2011
9. Gilliland Anne J. Setting the Stage. Introduction to Metadata. The Getty Research Institute 2008
10. Greenberg, J. (2005). Metadata and the World Wide Web. In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science,
11. pp. 1876–1888. New York: Marcel Dekker.
12. Griffi n Jane, Four Critical Principles of Data Governance Success, Information Management Magazine, Jan/
13. Feb 2010 http://www.information-management.com/issues/20_1/four-critical-principles-of-data-governancesuccess-
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15. IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (2008). Functional Requirements
16. for Bibliographic Records: Final report: As amended and corrected through February 2008. http://www.ifl a.
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18. Information Technology – Metadata registries (MDR) – Part 2: Classifi cation, ISO 11179-2:Second Edition
19. 2005-11-15
20. Information Technology – Metadata registries (MDR) – Part 3: Registry Metamodel and Basic Attributes, ISO
21. 11179-3(e):Second Edition 2003/Cor 1:2004
22. Keith G Jeffery METADATA: The Future of Information Systems; Director, Information Technology,
23. CLRC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK http://www.wmo.
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25. Keith.G. Jeffery GRIDS, Databases, and Information System Engineering Research; Advances in database
26. technology-EDBT 2004: 9th International Conference on Extending Database Technology: Heraklion, Crete,
27. Greece, March 14-18, 2004
28. Kimball R. Ross M. The Data Warehouse Toolkit Second Edition The Complete Guide to Dimensional
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1. Zavalina O. L. Rol' kollektsionnykh predmetnykh metadannykh v predmetnom dostupe k elektronnym
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6. L. Chernyak Integratsiya dannykh: sintaksis i semantika «Otkrytye sistemy», №10, 2009
7. Giordano Anthony David, Data Integration Blueprint and Modeling Techniques for a Scalable and Sustainable
8. Architecture IBM Press 2011
9. Gilliland Anne J. Setting the Stage. Introduction to Metadata. The Getty Research Institute 2008
10. Greenberg, J. (2005). Metadata and the World Wide Web. In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science,
11. pp. 1876–1888. New York: Marcel Dekker.
12. Griffi n Jane, Four Critical Principles of Data Governance Success, Information Management Magazine, Jan/
13. Feb 2010 http://www.information-management.com/issues/20_1/four-critical-principles-of-data-governancesuccess-
14. 10016929-1.html
15. IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (2008). Functional Requirements
16. for Bibliographic Records: Final report: As amended and corrected through February 2008. http://www.ifl a.
17. org/ fi les/cataloguing/frbr/frbr_2008.pdf.
18. Information Technology – Metadata registries (MDR) – Part 2: Classifi cation, ISO 11179-2:Second Edition
19. 2005-11-15
20. Information Technology – Metadata registries (MDR) – Part 3: Registry Metamodel and Basic Attributes, ISO
21. 11179-3(e):Second Edition 2003/Cor 1:2004
22. Keith G Jeffery METADATA: The Future of Information Systems; Director, Information Technology,
23. CLRC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK http://www.wmo.
24. int/pages/prog/www/WDM/ET-IDM/Doc-2-3.html
25. Keith.G. Jeffery GRIDS, Databases, and Information System Engineering Research; Advances in database
26. technology-EDBT 2004: 9th International Conference on Extending Database Technology: Heraklion, Crete,
27. Greece, March 14-18, 2004
28. Kimball R. Ross M. The Data Warehouse Toolkit Second Edition The Complete Guide to Dimensional
29. Modeling