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Педагогика и просвещение
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П.С. Гуревич Зарождение систем обучения в Древней Греции

Аннотация: The article describes the two basic systems of education, Athenian and Spartian. It is also underlined that Democritus was one of the fathers of ancient Greek sophists – t he first professional teachers.

Ключевые слова:

pedagogy, system, education, Athenian, Spartian, Democritus, sophist.

Abstract: The article describes the two basic systems of education, Athenian and Spartian. It is also underlined that Democritus was one of the fathers of ancient Greek sophists – t he first professional teachers.


pedagogy, system, education, Athenian, Spartian, Democritus, sophist.

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