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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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П.С. Гвоздев Исследование причин выбора избирателей на примере всеобщих выборов в Республике Ирландия

Аннотация: В статье рассмотрены способы исследования причин выбора избирателей на примере данных социологических исследований по результатам Всеобщих выборов в Республики Ирландия 2002 и 2007 годов. Рассматриваются значение личности, семьи, общества и других факторов при применении избирательной системы Пропорционального представительства посредством единственного передаваемого голоса.

Ключевые слова:

избирательные системы, всеобщие выборы Республики Ирландия, модели исследования выбора избирателя, роль партии и личности, пропорциональное представительство посредством единственного передаваемого голоса.

Abstract: The article deals with ways to study the causes of electoral choice, as an example of sociological survey data on the results of general elections in the Republic of Ireland in 2002 and 2007. Discusses the importance of individual, family, society and other factors in the application of the electoral system of proportional representation by single transferable vote.


electoral systems, general elections of the Republic of Ireland, research models of voter behavior, the party and the personality, proportional representation by single transferable vote.

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1. Marsh, Michael and Richard Sinnott ‘Irish national election study 2002–2007 Data Description and Documentation’ // Dublin: TCD & UCD, 2008. p. 505.
2. Whyte, John H. ‘Ireland: politics without social bases’ // Richard Rose (ed.), Electoral Behavior: A Comparative Handbook. New York: The Free Press. 1974. P. 51.
3. Marsh, Michael ‘Voting behaviour’ // John Coakley and Michael Gallagher (eds), Politics in the Republic of Ireland. New York, PSAI Press, 2010. p. 168.
4. Michael Gallagher and Michael Marsh (eds), ‘How Ireland Voted 2007: The Full Story of Ireland’s General Election’. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008. p. 312.
5. Kennedy, Fiachra and Richard Sinnott,. ‘Irish social and political cleavages’ // John Garry, Niamh Hardiman and Diane Payne (eds), Irish Social and Political Attitudes. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2006. p. 78.
6. Curtice, John, ‘Elections as beauty contests: do the rules matter?’ Paper presented at the International Conference on ‘Portugal; at the Polls’, Lisbon, 2003, 27–28 February.
7. Michael Gallagher, Michael Marsh and Paul Mitchell (eds), ‘How Ireland Voted 2002’. London: Palgrave, 2003. p. 312.
8. Carty R.K. ‘Party and Parish Pump: Electoral Politics in Ireland’ // Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 1981. p. 159.
9. The Irish National Election Study (INES) http://www.tcd.ie/ines/
10. Данные о результатах Всеобщих выборов http://electionsireland.org/results/general
1. Marsh, Michael and Richard Sinnott ‘Irish national election study 2002–2007 Data Description and Documentation’ // Dublin: TCD & UCD, 2008. p. 505.
2. Whyte, John H. ‘Ireland: politics without social bases’ // Richard Rose (ed.), Electoral Behavior: A Comparative Handbook. New York: The Free Press. 1974. P. 51.
3. Marsh, Michael ‘Voting behaviour’ // John Coakley and Michael Gallagher (eds), Politics in the Republic of Ireland. New York, PSAI Press, 2010. p. 168.
4. Michael Gallagher and Michael Marsh (eds), ‘How Ireland Voted 2007: The Full Story of Ireland’s General Election’. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008. p. 312.
5. Kennedy, Fiachra and Richard Sinnott,. ‘Irish social and political cleavages’ // John Garry, Niamh Hardiman and Diane Payne (eds), Irish Social and Political Attitudes. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2006. p. 78.
6. Curtice, John, ‘Elections as beauty contests: do the rules matter?’ Paper presented at the International Conference on ‘Portugal; at the Polls’, Lisbon, 2003, 27–28 February.
7. Michael Gallagher, Michael Marsh and Paul Mitchell (eds), ‘How Ireland Voted 2002’. London: Palgrave, 2003. p. 312.
8. Carty R.K. ‘Party and Parish Pump: Electoral Politics in Ireland’ // Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 1981. p. 159.
9. The Irish National Election Study (INES) http://www.tcd.ie/ines/
10. Dannye o rezul'tatakh Vseobshchikh vyborov http://electionsireland.org/results/general