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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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Т. Лаппи-Сеппала Контроль за численностью заключенных: опыт Финляндии

Аннотация: В своей статье автор анализирует уголовную политику Финляндии, останавливается на проблеме сокращения количества лиц, заключаемых под стражу. В статье приводится обширный статистический материал. Статья представляет огромный интерес для читателей.

Ключевые слова:

сравнительное правоведение, уголовное право, Финляндия, заключение под стражу, заключенные, преступление, преступность

Abstract: The author analyzes the criminal policy of Finland, stops at the problem of reducing the number of individuals who are in custody. The article provides extensive statistical material. The article is of great interest to readers.


comparative law, criminal law, Finland, detention, prisoners, crime.

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1. Törnudd Patrik. Facts, values and visions: essays in criminology and crime policy. Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy, 1996.
2. Andenaes Johs. Punishment and Deterrence. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1974.
3. Lappi-Seppälä Tapio. General Prevention: hypotheses and empirical evidence // Ideologi og Empiri i Kriminologien. Reykjavik: Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology, 1995.
4. Schünemann, Bernd, Hirsch, Andrew von and Jareborg, Nils. Positive Generalprävention: kritische Analysen im deutsch-englischen Dialog. Heidelberg: C.F. Müller Verlag, 1998.
5. Tyler Tom R. Procedural justice, legitimacy, and the effective rule of law // Tonry Michael (ed.), Crime and justice. A review of research. Vol. 30. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2003. P. 431–505.
6. Bottoms Anthony. Compliance and community penalties // Bottoms A., Gelsthorpe L. and Rex S. (eds.). Community penalties: change and challenges. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, 2001. P. 87−116.
7. Lappi-Seppälä Tapio. Regulating the prison population: experiences from a long-term policy in Finland. Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy, 1998.
8. Törnudd Patrik. Fifteen years of decreasing prisoner rates in Finland. Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy, 1993.
9. Falck Sturla, Hanns von Hofer, and Anette Storgaard. Nordic Criminal Statistics 1950-2000. Stockholm: Department of Criminology, Stockholm University, 2003.
10. World Press Trends. 2004 Edition. URL: http://www.wan-press.org/ecrire/upload/wpt2004.pdf
11. Lahti Raimo. Towards a rational and humane criminal policy: trends in Scandinavian penal thinking // Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention. Vol. 1. 2000. P. 141–155.
12. Lappi-Seppälä Tapio. Sentencing and punishment in Finland: the decline of the repressive ideal // Tonry M., Frase R. (eds.) Punishment and penal systems in Western countries. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. P. 92–150.
13. Jareborg Nils. «Corpus Juris» // Nordisk Tidskrift for Kriminalvidenskab. 1998. P. 255-270
14. Greve Vagn. European criminal policy: towards universal laws? // Jareborg N. (ed.) Towards universal laws: trends in national, European and international lawmaking. Uppsala, Sweden: Iustus, 1995. P. 91-116
15. Träskman Per-Ole. A good criminal policy is more than just new law // Heiskanen V., Kulovesi K. (eds.) Function and future of European law. Helsinki: Forum Juris, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, 1999. P. 207-219
16. Nuotio Kimmo. Reason for maintaining the diversity // Delmas-Marty M., Giucidelli-Delage G., Lambert-Abdelgavad É. (eds.) L´Harmonisation des sanctions pénales en Europe. Paris: Société de Legislation Compare, 2003. P. 465-471.
17. Padfield Nicola. Harmonising of sentencing: will it encourage a principled approach // Aromaa K., Nevala S. (eds.) Crime and crime control in an integrated Europe. Heuni publications 44. Helsinki, 2004. P. 89
1. Törnudd Patrik. Facts, values and visions: essays in criminology and crime policy. Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy, 1996.
2. Andenaes Johs. Punishment and Deterrence. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1974.
3. Lappi-Seppälä Tapio. General Prevention: hypotheses and empirical evidence // Ideologi og Empiri i Kriminologien. Reykjavik: Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology, 1995.
4. Schünemann, Bernd, Hirsch, Andrew von and Jareborg, Nils. Positive Generalprävention: kritische Analysen im deutsch-englischen Dialog. Heidelberg: C.F. Müller Verlag, 1998.
5. Tyler Tom R. Procedural justice, legitimacy, and the effective rule of law // Tonry Michael (ed.), Crime and justice. A review of research. Vol. 30. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2003. P. 431–505.
6. Bottoms Anthony. Compliance and community penalties // Bottoms A., Gelsthorpe L. and Rex S. (eds.). Community penalties: change and challenges. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, 2001. P. 87−116.
7. Lappi-Seppälä Tapio. Regulating the prison population: experiences from a long-term policy in Finland. Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy, 1998.
8. Törnudd Patrik. Fifteen years of decreasing prisoner rates in Finland. Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy, 1993.
9. Falck Sturla, Hanns von Hofer, and Anette Storgaard. Nordic Criminal Statistics 1950-2000. Stockholm: Department of Criminology, Stockholm University, 2003.
10. World Press Trends. 2004 Edition. URL: http://www.wan-press.org/ecrire/upload/wpt2004.pdf
11. Lahti Raimo. Towards a rational and humane criminal policy: trends in Scandinavian penal thinking // Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention. Vol. 1. 2000. P. 141–155.
12. Lappi-Seppälä Tapio. Sentencing and punishment in Finland: the decline of the repressive ideal // Tonry M., Frase R. (eds.) Punishment and penal systems in Western countries. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. P. 92–150.
13. Jareborg Nils. «Corpus Juris» // Nordisk Tidskrift for Kriminalvidenskab. 1998. P. 255-270
14. Greve Vagn. European criminal policy: towards universal laws? // Jareborg N. (ed.) Towards universal laws: trends in national, European and international lawmaking. Uppsala, Sweden: Iustus, 1995. P. 91-116
15. Träskman Per-Ole. A good criminal policy is more than just new law // Heiskanen V., Kulovesi K. (eds.) Function and future of European law. Helsinki: Forum Juris, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, 1999. P. 207-219
16. Nuotio Kimmo. Reason for maintaining the diversity // Delmas-Marty M., Giucidelli-Delage G., Lambert-Abdelgavad É. (eds.) L´Harmonisation des sanctions pénales en Europe. Paris: Société de Legislation Compare, 2003. P. 465-471.
17. Padfield Nicola. Harmonising of sentencing: will it encourage a principled approach // Aromaa K., Nevala S. (eds.) Crime and crime control in an integrated Europe. Heuni publications 44. Helsinki, 2004. P. 89