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Психология и Психотехника
Правильная ссылка на статью:

П.С. Гуревич Уэллс против Канта

Аннотация: The article describes how psychology has become a science instead of Kant’s opinion that ‘psychology shall never become a science and even if it does, it will be a completely boring one’. The author also quotes the English writer Herbert Wells words that ‘psychology is going to become an important science in the coming century’.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, psychology, philosophical anthropology, human, science, feelings, inner world

Abstract: The article describes how psychology has become a science instead of Kant’s opinion that ‘psychology shall never become a science and even if it does, it will be a completely boring one’. The author also quotes the English writer Herbert Wells words that ‘psychology is going to become an important science in the coming century’.


philosophy, psychology, philosophical anthropology, human, science, feelings, inner world

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