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Психология и Психотехника
Правильная ссылка на статью:

П.С. Гуревич Одиночество как психологическое состояние

Аннотация: The author of the article touches upon a very important problem of the humankind, - loneliness. Studying the views of philosophers, sociologists and poets on human loneliness, the author underlines the subjective perception of loneliness by human. Some people consider loneliness to be the only opportunity to exist and spend time with themselves, the others think of it as suffering, obsession and misfortune

Ключевые слова:

psychology, philosophy, sociology, loneliness

Abstract: The author of the article touches upon a very important problem of the humankind, - loneliness. Studying the views of philosophers, sociologists and poets on human loneliness, the author underlines the subjective perception of loneliness by human. Some people consider loneliness to be the only opportunity to exist and spend time with themselves, the others think of it as suffering, obsession and misfortune


psychology, philosophy, sociology, loneliness

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