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Психология и Психотехника
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Гуревич, П. С. Необычные состояния психики

Аннотация: The term ‘changed forms of conscience’ was first introduced by an American psychologist William James over a hundred of years ago. Describing various forms of achieving changed states of mind (shamanism, acting, religious practices and so on), the author underlines that these forms of mind allow a man to go beyond his own identity. It is admitted that there are no grounds for considering such forms of mind to be pathological

Ключевые слова:

psychology, philosophy, psyche, changed forms of conscience, mystery, catharsis, religion

Abstract: The term ‘changed forms of conscience’ was first introduced by an American psychologist William James over a hundred of years ago. Describing various forms of achieving changed states of mind (shamanism, acting, religious practices and so on), the author underlines that these forms of mind allow a man to go beyond his own identity. It is admitted that there are no grounds for considering such forms of mind to be pathological


psychology, philosophy, psyche, changed forms of conscience, mystery, catharsis, religion

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