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Философия и культура
Правильная ссылка на статью:

П.С. Гуревич Моя война

Аннотация: The author shares his impressions of the Great Patriotic War of the 1941-1944th. It is noted that everyone has his own impression and memories of the war. It is also underlined that even though the war is coming the part of our past, today we realize the great meaning and great tragedy of the war even better than yesterday.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, psychology, culture, history, Great Patriotic War

Abstract: The author shares his impressions of the Great Patriotic War of the 1941-1944th. It is noted that everyone has his own impression and memories of the war. It is also underlined that even though the war is coming the part of our past, today we realize the great meaning and great tragedy of the war even better than yesterday.


philosophy, psychology, culture, history, Great Patriotic War

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