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Философия и культура
Правильная ссылка на статью:

П.С. Гуревич Оппозиции культуры

Аннотация: Continuing to talk of the so-called ‘death of culture’, the author studied its ‘oppositions’ which can seriously change the familiar essence of culture. According t the author, culture can be absorbed by civilization, religion and barbarianism. However, such ‘absorption’ only change but does not ‘kill’ culture.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, culture, religion, barbarianism, civilization

Abstract: Continuing to talk of the so-called ‘death of culture’, the author studied its ‘oppositions’ which can seriously change the familiar essence of culture. According t the author, culture can be absorbed by civilization, religion and barbarianism. However, such ‘absorption’ only change but does not ‘kill’ culture.


philosophy, culture, religion, barbarianism, civilization

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