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Административное и муниципальное право
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Шугрина Е.С. Рецензия на монографию Преснякова М.В., Чаннова С.Е. Административно-правовое регулирование служебных отношений: теория и практика. Саратов, 2008. – 412 с.

Аннотация: Key words: studies of law, offshore, foreign investements, Calvo doctrine, classification of offshore jurisdictions, offshore jurisdictions, legal protection, foreign investors, doctrine of international investment law, legal standards. Review: the article covers the problems of offshore jurisdictions, their origin and application and their role in the modern global economic system. Special attention is also paid at the doctrinal aspect of offshore activity as opposed to earlier doctrines of the international investment law. Such an aspect of offshore activity is based on a new principle of a higher level of legal protection of foreign investors.

Abstract: Key words: studies of law, offshore, foreign investements, Calvo doctrine, classification of offshore jurisdictions, offshore jurisdictions, legal protection, foreign investors, doctrine of international investment law, legal standards. Review: the article covers the problems of offshore jurisdictions, their origin and application and their role in the modern global economic system. Special attention is also paid at the doctrinal aspect of offshore activity as opposed to earlier doctrines of the international investment law. Such an aspect of offshore activity is based on a new principle of a higher level of legal protection of foreign investors.

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