Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
Правильная ссылка на статью:
Опыт регулирования бюджетных расходов в США.
// Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law.
2008. № 2.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56330
. Опыт регулирования бюджетных расходов в США.
The article describes the legal regulation of budget expenditures in the USA. The experience of this country with all its positive and negative achievements is of great interest to many countries of the world solving complicated problems of ensuring efficient and lawful expenditure of public funds
Abstract: The article describes the legal regulation of budget expenditures in the USA. The experience of this country with all its positive and negative achievements is of great interest to many countries of the world solving complicated problems of ensuring efficient and lawful expenditure of public funds