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Н. А. Цой Феномен интернет-зависимости в интерпретации теории функционализма

Аннотация: В настоящей статье феномен интернет-зависимости анализируется в рамках структурно- функциональной модели Р. Мертона с целью выявления теоретического положения одного из основных макросоциальных факторов, обусловливающих появление и развитие исследуемого явления. Показано, что интернет-пользование выполняет главным образом социальные функции и имеет непреднамеренное дисфункциональное последствие в виде интернет-зависимости.

Ключевые слова:

Социология, интернет-зависимость, феномен, макросоциальность, факторы, функции, функционализм, интерпретация, интернет-пользование, Р. Мертон

Abstract: The present article analyzes the phenomenon of Internet addiction from the point of view of R. Merton’s model with the purpose to defi ne one of the basic macrosocial factors causing an occurrence and development of the investigated phenomenon. It is shown that Internet performs mainly social functions and has an undeliberate dysfunctional consequence in the form of Internet addiction.


The functionalism theory, Internet addiction, macro social factors, social functions.

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7. Мобильным интернетом пользуются две трети россиян / Руметрика [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://
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14. Ромир спросил о социальных сетях / Медиареволюция [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.mediarevolution.
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16. Россияне рассказали о целях посещения своих и чужих блогов / Руметрика [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
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25. Block, B. Russia Has Most Engaged Social Networking Audience Worldwide / ComScore [Электронный ре-
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27. Fogel, J., Albert, S.M., Schnabel, F., Ditkoff, B.A., Neugut, A.I. Racial/ethnic differences and potential
28. psychological benefi ts in use of the Internet by women with breast cancer // Psycho-oncology. – 2003. – Vol. 12
29. (2). – P. 107-117.
30. Katz, J.E., Rice, R. E.. Social consequences of Internet use: access, involvement, and interaction / J. E. Katz, R.
31. E. Rice. – 2002. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. – P. 420.
32. Kim, Y. The impact of the internet on children’s daily lives: physical, social and psychological well-being
33. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: kim_yeora_200305_phd.pdf (дата обращения: 05.10.2010).
34. Kraut, P., Patterson, M., Lundmark, V., Kiesler, S., Mukopadhyay, T., Scherlis, W. Internet paradox: a social
35. technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being? //American Psychologist. – 1998. –
36. Vol. 53. – P. 65-77.
37. Lenhart, A. Adult and social network websites / Pew Internet & American life project. – 2009. [Электронный
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39. Lenhart, A., Madden, M., R. Macgill A., Smith, A. Teens and Social Media. The use of social media gains a
40. greater foothold in teen life as they embrace the conversational nature of interactive online media / Pew Internet
41. & American life project. – 2007. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: PIP_Teens_Social_Media_Final.pdf (дата об-
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43. Li, Sh., Chung, T.-M. Internet function and internet addictive behavior //Computers in human behavior. – 2006.
44. – Vol. 22, 6. – P. 1067-1071.
45. Madden, M., Lenhart, A. Online dating. Americans who are seeking romance use the internet to help them in their
46. search, but there is still widespread public concern about the safety of online dating / Pew Internet & American
47. life project. – 2006. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: PIP_Online_Dating.pdf (дата обращения: 05.10.2010).
48. Merton, R. K. Social Theory and Social Structure, revised and enlarged edition. New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
49. – 1968. – 105 p.
50. Nie, N.H., Erbring, L. Internet and society: a preliminary report // IT & Society. – 2002. – Vol. 1. – P. 275-283.
51. Stafford, L., Kline, S., Dimmick, J. Home e-mail: Relational maintenance and gratifi cation opportunities //
52. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. – 1999. – №43. – P. 659-669.
53. Weiser, E.B. The functions of Internet use and their social and psychological consequences // CyberPsychology
54. & Behavior. – 2001. – Vol. 4. – P. 723-743.
55. Wellman, B. Cyber Society [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/netlab/
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22. Aboujaoude, E., Koran, L., Game N. Internet addiction: Stanford study seeks to defi ne whether it’s a problem
23. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: //med.stanford.edu/news_releases/2006/october/internet.html (data obrashcheniya:
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25. Block, B. Russia Has Most Engaged Social Networking Audience Worldwide / ComScore [Elektronnyy re-
26. surs]. URL: http://www.comscore.com (data obrashcheniya: 05.10.2010).
27. Fogel, J., Albert, S.M., Schnabel, F., Ditkoff, B.A., Neugut, A.I. Racial/ethnic differences and potential
28. psychological benefi ts in use of the Internet by women with breast cancer // Psycho-oncology. – 2003. – Vol. 12
29. (2). – P. 107-117.
30. Katz, J.E., Rice, R. E.. Social consequences of Internet use: access, involvement, and interaction / J. E. Katz, R.
31. E. Rice. – 2002. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. – P. 420.
32. Kim, Y. The impact of the internet on children’s daily lives: physical, social and psychological well-being
33. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: kim_yeora_200305_phd.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 05.10.2010).
34. Kraut, P., Patterson, M., Lundmark, V., Kiesler, S., Mukopadhyay, T., Scherlis, W. Internet paradox: a social
35. technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being? //American Psychologist. – 1998. –
36. Vol. 53. – P. 65-77.
37. Lenhart, A. Adult and social network websites / Pew Internet & American life project. – 2009. [Elektronnyy
38. resurs]. URL: PIP_ Adult_social_networking_ data_ memo_ FINAL.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 05.10.2010).
39. Lenhart, A., Madden, M., R. Macgill A., Smith, A. Teens and Social Media. The use of social media gains a
40. greater foothold in teen life as they embrace the conversational nature of interactive online media / Pew Internet
41. & American life project. – 2007. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: PIP_Teens_Social_Media_Final.pdf (data ob-
42. rashcheniya: 05.10.2010).
43. Li, Sh., Chung, T.-M. Internet function and internet addictive behavior //Computers in human behavior. – 2006.
44. – Vol. 22, 6. – P. 1067-1071.
45. Madden, M., Lenhart, A. Online dating. Americans who are seeking romance use the internet to help them in their
46. search, but there is still widespread public concern about the safety of online dating / Pew Internet & American
47. life project. – 2006. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: PIP_Online_Dating.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 05.10.2010).
48. Merton, R. K. Social Theory and Social Structure, revised and enlarged edition. New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
49. – 1968. – 105 p.
50. Nie, N.H., Erbring, L. Internet and society: a preliminary report // IT & Society. – 2002. – Vol. 1. – P. 275-283.
51. Stafford, L., Kline, S., Dimmick, J. Home e-mail: Relational maintenance and gratifi cation opportunities //
52. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. – 1999. – №43. – P. 659-669.
53. Weiser, E.B. The functions of Internet use and their social and psychological consequences // CyberPsychology
54. & Behavior. – 2001. – Vol. 4. – P. 723-743.
55. Wellman, B. Cyber Society [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/netlab/
56. PUBLICATIONS/_frames.html (data obrashcheniya: 05.10.2010).
57. Young, K. S. Internet addiction: the emergence of a new clinical disorder [Elektronnyy resurs] / K.S. Young.
58. URL: http://www.netaddiction.com/articles/newdisorder.htm (data obrashcheniya: 06.10.2010).