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Политика и Общество
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В.С. Нерсесянц Трудная партия Бобби Фишера

Аннотация: Does the state power come to its limit at the level of territorial groups, that is where the local government works? Can one said that the local government and state power are mutually independent within the political system, which integrates both of them into itself? What is the role of local government in formation of the institutions of the civil society and the jural state? What are the specific features of local government? In this article A.V. Batanov searches for answers to these and other topical questions…

Abstract: Does the state power come to its limit at the level of territorial groups, that is where the local government works? Can one said that the local government and state power are mutually independent within the political system, which integrates both of them into itself? What is the role of local government in formation of the institutions of the civil society and the jural state? What are the specific features of local government? In this article A.V. Batanov searches for answers to these and other topical questions…

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