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Политика и Общество
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С.Г. Верещагин Налогово-бюджетные отношения в практике политического процесса на современном этапе

Аннотация: From the moment, when migration was singled out as a scientific category, it has always been viewed against some background, such as economical, social, cultural, demographic, ethnical, and this is no accident. On one hand, migration processes are much determined by the changes in the life of one (or several) societies, so they indicate the level of development of social, ethnical, political spheres of such societies. On the other hand, being varied, different migration groups can have many specific features, which also influence the conditions at both the society, which receives the migrants, and the society, where they come from…

Abstract: From the moment, when migration was singled out as a scientific category, it has always been viewed against some background, such as economical, social, cultural, demographic, ethnical, and this is no accident. On one hand, migration processes are much determined by the changes in the life of one (or several) societies, so they indicate the level of development of social, ethnical, political spheres of such societies. On the other hand, being varied, different migration groups can have many specific features, which also influence the conditions at both the society, which receives the migrants, and the society, where they come from…

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