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А.Г. Кинтерая Предметы совместного ведения Российской Федерации и ее субъектов в системе государственных полномочий: понятие и содержание

Аннотация: The problems of interbudgetary relations from the very start of the market reforms were obviously acute. The conflict in this sphere lasts since 1990s, and it has came into the chronic form. At the start of the reforms, the situation was close to explosion. At the modern stage one can speak of modernization of the interbudgetary system, rather than its complete transformation, which, in turn, has to do with above-mentioned problems and traditions of the state policy.

Abstract: The problems of interbudgetary relations from the very start of the market reforms were obviously acute. The conflict in this sphere lasts since 1990s, and it has came into the chronic form. At the start of the reforms, the situation was close to explosion. At the modern stage one can speak of modernization of the interbudgetary system, rather than its complete transformation, which, in turn, has to do with above-mentioned problems and traditions of the state policy.

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