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В.Н.Корнев Учение о федерации в юридической науке дореволюционной России

Аннотация: Многие вопросы, касающиеся форм государственного устройства и остающиеся до сих пор нерешенными и дискуссионными, были рассмотрены в специальных исследованиях русских государствоведов дореволюционной России. В настоящей работе предпринимается попытка проанализировать взгляды Н.М. Коркунова, С.А. Котляревского, Ф.Ф. Кокошкина, Н.И. Лазаревского, Н.И. Палиенко и других отечественных ученых-государствоведов на данную проблему.

Abstract: As the author of this article notes, the issue of capital punishment in Russia does not lose its topicality, and it should be evaluated taking into account the use of capital punishment in the history of Russian state. In Russia the crimes against the state were traditionally considered to be most dangerous and were punished by a death penalty, while a premediated murder was not punished with a dealth penalty since mid-XVIII century. Thus, the history of capital punishment in Russia shows that there has always been a political approach to its application. Thus, the object of protection (and capital punishment was used as means of such protection) has always been the state itself, its security, its unity, its property, and not a person or his life.

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