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Алпатов А.А. On interconnection between positive and natural law

Аннотация: This article reviews the problem of understanding the essence of natural law and its relation to the positive law. The author attempts to reconsider the long-settled understanding of the natural law. This approach is novel in that the natural law is described by the regularities of physical and social reality. With all this, its relationship with the positive law has a hierarchical and very complex structure. Taking into account the peculiarities of the human nature, the state and legal control of the deviant behaviour is obviously needed based on the requirements of objective regularities. At the same time the nature of state is of dualistic character as well. The natural law is indeed immanent laws of reality, rather than notions, desires or claims resulting from the human mind. In this focus of understanding, the natural law acquires new content which is unusual to the majority of theorists. It is not a mental model, or standard which is changing in accordance with the level of social development. It appears to be a hierarchical system of real laws to be considered - like it or not - in the positive (established by will) law. Their neglect will result in disorder of the social mechanism, impair the efficiency of juristic force, and cause social upheaval.

Ключевые слова:

human nature, regularities, multi-step nature, historical aspect, clash of opinions, revision interconnection, normativism, jusnaturalism, understanding, peculiarities

Abstract: This article reviews the problem of understanding the essence of natural law and its relation to the positive law. The author attempts to reconsider the long-settled understanding of the natural law. This approach is novel in that the natural law is described by the regularities of physical and social reality. With all this, its relationship with the positive law has a hierarchical and very complex structure.Taking into account the peculiarities of the human nature, the state and legal control of the deviant behaviour is obviously needed based on the requirements of objective regularities. At the same time the nature of state is of dualistic character as well. The natural law is indeed immanent laws of reality, rather than notions, desires or claims resulting from the human mind. In this focus of understanding, the natural law acquires new content which is unusual to the majority of theorists. It is not a mental model, or standard which is changing in accordance with the level of social development. It appears to be a hierarchical system of real laws to be considered – like it or not – in the positive (established by will) law. Their neglect will result in disorder of the social mechanism, impair the efficiency of juristic force, and cause social upheaval.


human nature, regularities, multi-step nature, historical aspect, clash of opinions, revision interconnection, normativism, jusnaturalism, understanding, peculiarities

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1. Aarniо, A. Philosophical Perspectives in Jurisprudence (Helsinki 1983) at p. 94.
2. Aristotle, Collected works, vol. IV (Moscow 1983), pp. 151, 317, 376, 378, 380.
3. Aristotle, Politics, 1253а, 35.
4. Aristotle, Collected works, vol. IV (Moscow 1983) at p. 722.
5. Chetvernin, V.A. Democratic Constitutional State: Introduction in Theory (Moscow 1993) at p. 13.
6. Cicero, On the State and Law (Moscow 1966) at p. 19.
7. Finnis, J.M. Natural Law and Natural Rights (Oxford 1980). 6. Fuller, L.L. "Positivism and Fidelity to Law-A Replay to professor Hart" (1958) 71 Harvard Law Review pp. 630-672. 9. Hart, H.L.A. "The Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals" (1958) 71 Harvard Law Review pp. 599-629; 10. Hart, H.L.A. Concept of Law (Oxford 1961); L.L. Fuller, The Morality of Law, 2nd ed. (New Haven 1969). 11. Hart, H.L.A. Law, Liberty, and Morality. (1963) at p. 1. Hart, H.L.A. Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy (Oxford 1983) at p. 10. 12. Ivashevsky, S.L. "Ideal Essence of Law: the problem statement" (2007) 1 The Russian Law Journal. pp. 108-114 13. Kozlikhin, I.Y. "Positivism and Natural Law" (2000) 3 State and Law pp. 5-11. 14. Lazarev, V.V. "Searching for the Law" (2004) 7 The Russian Law Journal pp. 3-14. 15. Leist, O.E. "Three Concepts of Law" (1991) 12 Soviet State and Law pp. 3-11 16. Maltsev, G.V. Understanding of Law: approaches and problems (Moscow 1999) at p. 394. 17. Nevvazhai, I.D. "On Relation between Natural and Positive Law" (1997) 4 Science of Law pp. pp. 164 – 166. 18. Novgorodtsev, P.I. Lections in the history of law philosophy. Studies of the Modern Age. 16th-19th centuries, 3rd ed. (Moscow 1914), pp. 110-112. 19. Novgorodtsev P.I. (1866-1924), "Law and Morality" (1995) 6 Science of Law p. 103 – 113. 20. Shershenevich, G.F. Definition of the Concept of Law (Kazan 1896), pp. 63,74. 21. Shershenevich, G.F. General Theory of Law, 1st ed. (Moscow 1910) at p. 212. 22. Shershenevich, G.F. General Theory of Law, 2nd ed. (Moscow 1911) at p. 494. 23. The Digest of Justinian, selected extracts translated and commented by I.S. Peretersky, vol. 1, ch. I. 11 (Moscow 1984) at p. 25. 24. Tumanov, V.A. "Study of Law" in V.K. Babayeva (ed.), General Theory of Law (1993), pp. 11-33. 25. Verkhovodov, E.V. "Genesis of the Theory of Natural Law in Western Europe" (2001)
1. Aarnio, A. Philosophical Perspectives in Jurisprudence (Helsinki 1983) at p. 94.
2. Aristotle, Collected works, vol. IV (Moscow 1983), pp. 151, 317, 376, 378, 380.
3. Aristotle, Politics, 1253a, 35.
4. Aristotle, Collected works, vol. IV (Moscow 1983) at p. 722.
5. Chetvernin, V.A. Democratic Constitutional State: Introduction in Theory (Moscow 1993) at p. 13.
6. Cicero, On the State and Law (Moscow 1966) at p. 19.
7. Finnis, J.M. Natural Law and Natural Rights (Oxford 1980). 6. Fuller, L.L. "Positivism and Fidelity to Law-A Replay to professor Hart" (1958) 71 Harvard Law Review pp. 630-672. 9. Hart, H.L.A. "The Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals" (1958) 71 Harvard Law Review pp. 599-629; 10. Hart, H.L.A. Concept of Law (Oxford 1961); L.L. Fuller, The Morality of Law, 2nd ed. (New Haven 1969). 11. Hart, H.L.A. Law, Liberty, and Morality. (1963) at p. 1. Hart, H.L.A. Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy (Oxford 1983) at p. 10. 12. Ivashevsky, S.L. "Ideal Essence of Law: the problem statement" (2007) 1 The Russian Law Journal. pp. 108-114 13. Kozlikhin, I.Y. "Positivism and Natural Law" (2000) 3 State and Law pp. 5-11. 14. Lazarev, V.V. "Searching for the Law" (2004) 7 The Russian Law Journal pp. 3-14. 15. Leist, O.E. "Three Concepts of Law" (1991) 12 Soviet State and Law pp. 3-11 16. Maltsev, G.V. Understanding of Law: approaches and problems (Moscow 1999) at p. 394. 17. Nevvazhai, I.D. "On Relation between Natural and Positive Law" (1997) 4 Science of Law pp. pp. 164 – 166. 18. Novgorodtsev, P.I. Lections in the history of law philosophy. Studies of the Modern Age. 16th-19th centuries, 3rd ed. (Moscow 1914), pp. 110-112. 19. Novgorodtsev P.I. (1866-1924), "Law and Morality" (1995) 6 Science of Law p. 103 – 113. 20. Shershenevich, G.F. Definition of the Concept of Law (Kazan 1896), pp. 63,74. 21. Shershenevich, G.F. General Theory of Law, 1st ed. (Moscow 1910) at p. 212. 22. Shershenevich, G.F. General Theory of Law, 2nd ed. (Moscow 1911) at p. 494. 23. The Digest of Justinian, selected extracts translated and commented by I.S. Peretersky, vol. 1, ch. I. 11 (Moscow 1984) at p. 25. 24. Tumanov, V.A. "Study of Law" in V.K. Babayeva (ed.), General Theory of Law (1993), pp. 11-33. 25. Verkhovodov, E.V. "Genesis of the Theory of Natural Law in Western Europe" (2001)