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Право и политика
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Е. И. Кожуховская Новые формы политического управления (на примере устойчивого развития)

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются существующие концепции (модели) политического управления с точки зрения подхода мета-политики, а также на примере ЕС. Анализируется зарубежный опыт политического управления в области устойчивого развития и экологической политики. При разработке отраслевых политик предлагается учитывать риски, проблемы, факторы в качестве уровней иерархических моделей типа AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process).

Ключевые слова:

Политология, политика, планирование, управление, экологизация, иерархия, сети, партнерства, власть, инновации

Abstract: The article is devoted to the existing concepts (models) of political government from the point of view of meta-policy, as well as on an example of the EU. The author analyzes the foreign experience of political government in the sphere of stable development and environmental policy. When developing branch-related policies it is offered to take into account the risks, problems and factors as levels of a hierarchical models of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) type.


political science, politics, planning, management, ecologization, hierarchy, networks, partnerships, power, innovations.

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8. Decision-making on mega-project: cost-benefi t analysis, planning and innovation / Ed. by Priemus H., Flyvbjerg B.,
9. Wee van B. – Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2008. - 342 p.
10. Environmental Policy: Educational and Career Outlook // EnviroEducation.com. Updated May 20, 2004. http://www.
11. enviroeducation.com/majors-programs/env-policy.html
12. Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning. Argonne National Laboratory. http://www.evs.anl.gov/project/images/
13. pa/71_Envr_Policy_Analysis_Planning.pdf
14. Hendriks C.M., Grin J. Contextualizing refl exive governance: the politics of Dutch transitions to sustainability // J. of
15. Env. Pol. & Plann. – Sept. 2007. - Vol. 9, Is. 3&4. - P. 333-350.
16. Hermans L.M., Thissen W.A.H. Actor analysis methods and their use for public policy analysts // Europ. J. of Oper.
17. Research. - 2009. – Is.196. - P. 808-818.
18. Lehman M. Government-business relationships through partnerships for sustainable development: the green network
19. in Denmark // J. of Env. Pol. & Plann. – Sept. 2006. - Vol. 8, Is. 3. - P. 235-257.
20. Loomis J., Helfand G.E. Environmental Policy Analysis for Decision Making. - Secaucus, NJ, USA: Kluwer Academic
21. Publishers, 2001. - P. 307, p. 292 – 298. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/hselibrary/Doc?id=10067231&ppg=307
22. Policy Analysis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Policy_analysis#cite_note-B.C3.BChrs93-1
23. Russel D., Jordan A. Joining up or pulling apart? The use of appraisal to coordinate policy making for sustainable
24. development // Env. and Plan., A. – 2009. - Vol. 41. - P. 1201-1216.
25. Voss J.-P., Newig J., Kastens B. et al. Steering for sustainable development: a typology of problems and strategies with
26. respect to ambivalence, uncertainty and distributed power // J. of Env. Pol. & Plann. - Sept.-Dec. 2007. - Vol. 9, Is. 3-4.
27. - P. 193-212.