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Правильная ссылка на статью:

И. Я. Козаченко Рецензия: Экологическая преступность в Европе. Составители: Франсуаза Комт, Людвиг Кремер / Ответ. Ред. О.Л.Дубовик; Перевод на русский язык. Издательский дом ГОРОДЕЦ. М.: 2010. 352 с. ISBN 978-5-9584-0242-7

Аннотация: The review is devoted to in-depth, and in-detail analysis of the points of view on environmental crime in Europe by a number of specialists from European states, who are much interested in protection of environment, which was already harmed by human activities. Also the review touches upon ambitions of the authors of the monograph, as reflected in their research and essays.

Ключевые слова:

jurisprudence, ecology, crime, ecosystem, flora, fauna, sanctions, responsibility, law, unification

Abstract: The review is devoted to in-depth, and in-detail analysis of the points of view on environmental crime in Europe by a number of specialists from European states, who are much interested in protection of environment, which was already harmed by human activities. Also the review touches upon ambitions of the authors of the monograph, as reflected in their research and essays.


jurisprudence, ecology, crime, ecosystem, flora, fauna, sanctions, responsibility, law, unification

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