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Д. Ю. Патютко Гражданско-правовое регулирование объектов незавершенного строительства

Аннотация: The article is devoted to the issues of formation and development of the new category in Russian civil law – incomplete construction objects. The author then establishes his own defi nition, shows key characteristic features and requirements for the introduction of such objects into civil turnover.

Ключевые слова:

jurisprudence, construction, object, unfi nished, property, legal relation, contractor, customer, legal relation, immovable property, registration, property

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of formation and development of the new category in Russian civil law – incomplete construction objects. The author then establishes his own defi nition, shows key characteristic features and requirements for the introduction of such objects into civil turnover.


jurisprudence, construction, object, unfi nished, property, legal relation, contractor, customer, legal relation, immovable property, registration, property

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